
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

National Review Calls Birther Claims 'Foolishness'

(Newser) - The editors of the National Review want nothing to do with this "foolishness" over President Obama's citizenship. Though "a few misguided souls among the Right have indulged it," the idea that Obama isn't a citizen is mere "myth." The birth certificate he's produced is legit,...

Now Dobbs Hints Prez Is 'Undocumented'

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs, not known for his subtlety on questions of immigration, has added his voice to the fringe chorus insisting that President Obama was not born an American citizen. "I'm starting to think we have a document issue. You suppose he’s un—no, I won’t even use...

Thousands of Americans 'Wake Up Canadian'

(Newser) - Thousands of foreigners living in Canada, most of them Americans, woke up this morning to discover they were Canadians, the Toronto Star reports. A new law is granting citizenship to the sons and daughters of Canucks who lost their native status by leaving the country. "It's a strange thing...

Immigration Dragnets Catch US Citizens, Too

Legal residents have been detained, deported

(Newser) - Workplace raids and jail sweeps have become popular ways to enforce US immigration law, but they often result in the detention of legal residents, the Los Angeles Times reports. It can take months, sometimes years, to clear up, because many citizens don’t have proof of their legal status, few...

'Birthers' Dog Obama From GOP Fringe

'Birthers' are 'filthy conservative imposters'

(Newser) - The belief that Barack Obama is not American—and therefore is ineligible to be president—is thriving on the conservative fringes, Politico reports. Officials have denied the claim, citing Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate, but 300,000 people have signed a petition demanding more evidence. So-called “Birthers” are also...

Keyes: Obama Isn't a Citizen, and He Isn't President

He stokes conspiracy theories in video

(Newser) - He may be President Obama to you, but don't tell that to Alan Keyes. In a video released yesterday, the ultra-conservative seeks to resurrect conspiracy theories that Obama is not a US citizen and therefore ineligible to be president. Keyes—who lost to Obama in the 2004 Senate race in...

Court Tosses 'Natural Born' Obama Case

No comment on NJ man's claim about citizenship

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a New Jersey man who says Barack Obama is ineligible to be president because he was a British subject at birth. Leo Donofrio says that since the president-elect had dual nationality at birth—his mother was American and his Kenyan...

Supreme Court Fields Obama Citizenship Challenges

Both claim Obama is not 'natural born'

(Newser) - Two lawsuits challenging Barack Obama’s right to be president on the grounds that he is not a US citizen are on the Supreme Court;s "to do" list, but the litigants' hopes of overturning the election results are slim, MSNBC reports. One alleges Obama was born in Kenya,...

1M New Citizens Break Century Record

Fee increase helps immigration service clear huge backlog

(Newser) - Over a million new American citizens took the oath of allegiance last year—the highest number since the government began keeping records a century ago, reports CNN. The number of people going through the naturalization process has been steadily climbing for decades. The clearing of a major 2007 backlog—along...

Kennedy Crafts Proposal for Paid National Service 'Army'

Bill would recruit 175,000 workers

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy has crafted a sweeping national service bill, to be introduced today, that would recruit 175,000 citizens of all ages to work in health, education, environmental protection and anti-poverty programs—with their pay partially subsidized by the government. The plan would provide $5 billion over five years...

Journo 'Ecstatic' Over Demise of HIV Travel Ban
Journo 'Ecstatic' Over Demise of HIV Travel Ban

Journo 'Ecstatic' Over Demise of HIV Travel Ban

'Massive burden lifted' for gay, HIV-positive Brit Sullivan

(Newser) - HIV-positive journalist Andrew Sullivan is “ecstatic” over yesterday's passage by the Senate of a bill that would lift a US ban on visitors and immigrants with the virus that causes AIDS, he writes in his Atlantic blog. "I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's one of the...

Citizen Glitch Makes Mac Ineligible to Be Prez: Expert

He's no natural-born American, prof argues

(Newser) - John McCain does not meet the constitutional requirement to be president because he's technically not a natural-born US citizen, a legal professor has concluded. But the expert, who focused on an obscure 1937 law that made McCain a citizen in the months after his birth in the Panama Canal Zone,...

McCain, Born in Canal Zone, Dismisses Citizenship Flap

He says he's a natural-born citizen, which qualifies him

(Newser) - A recent media flap about John McCain's citizenship is a non-issue, the candidate says. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone while his father served there in the Navy, which makes him a natural-born citizen and qualifies him to run for president, the AP reports. His camp recently sought...

Citizenship Test Just Too Tough for Most Brits

High standards, or a scheme to foil would-be immigrants?

(Newser) - Should would-be immigrants to the United Kingdom be required to know the population of Wales when a majority of Britons don't? Only one in seven natives would pass the test required to get a passport, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The government says the bar should be set high even...

Immigrants Facing Epic Citizenship Delays

Rush to beat fee hike has wait at 18 months

(Newser) - Over one million immigrants will have to wait up to 18 months before become US citizens due to a massive bureaucratic backlog nationwide. Applications surged last summer ahead of a fee increase of nearly 75%, the Boston Globe reports, helping create the paper jam. Before the increase, the average immigrant...

Citizenship Delays Will Impact Election

Hundreds of thousands will miss chance to vote due to backlog

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have applied for US citizenship will not have those applications processed in time to vote in the 2008 election. The Department of Homeland Security failed to fully prepare for a massive increase in applications filed to beat a widely publicized fee increase that took...

Citizenship Test Gets Overhaul
Citizenship Test Gets Overhaul

Citizenship Test Gets Overhaul

New questions focus less on the nitty-gritty

(Newser) - The government yesterday unveiled its new citizenship test, which puts less emphasis on memorization of facts and more on analysis. To become naturalized, it's no longer enough for applicants to know how many stars or stripes are on the flag, but they may need to ID a constitutional amendment that...

In This Corner, a Boxer Jabbing at a Dream

Having won citizenship, champ aims for spot on US Olympic team

(Newser) - As a Dominican native, Fernando Guerrero had to fight for US citizenship. This week, the middleweight boxer is saving his jabs for the ring, where he hopes to earn a spot on the US Olympic squad headed for Beijing. The 20-year-old champ, whose career detoured because he wasn’t a...

Tribes Sell Memberships to Illegal Immigrants

Sham offer won't make aliens legal, Feds warn

(Newser) - Two unofficial Indian tribes have sold thousands of memberships to illegal immigrants with the promise that the paperwork will make them legal. Some buyers have reported paying as much as $1,200 for the memberships, which federal officials warn don't offer any protection from deportation. "You can't just...

Giuliani Guarantees He Can Halt Illegal Immigration

Romney pokes, ex-mayor lashes out

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani says he can stop illegal immigration by monitoring international travelers, implementing tamperproof ID cards with fingerprints, and tracking the status of foreign workers and students. Under fire from Mitt Romney for his record on illegal immigration while mayor of New York, Giuliani has recently cranked up his rhetoric,...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>