Christine O'Donnell

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US Is Pissed, and It Won't End Nov. 2

 US Is Pissed, 
 and It Won't 
 Stop Nov. 2 
Frank Rich

US Is Pissed, and It Won't Stop Nov. 2

Only economic recovery can soothe the country's anger

(Newser) - Carl Paladino, New York's gay-bashing , racist email-sending gubernatorial candidate, may be the most "clownish" illustration of American rage, but he's no anomaly, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . And, like the "farcical" Christine O'Donnell, Paladino is a "political loss-leader" whose probable defeat lets us laugh...

What Happens in College Stays in College
 What Happens in 
 College Stays in College 

What Happens in College Stays in College

But not if you're in college at age 40, Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Ah, college: That time of experimentation and rebellion—and especially youthful indiscretions, most of which oughtn't be fodder for debate when indiscreet youths grow up and run for political office, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. "Nothing anyone did in college short of a felony should count...

O'Donnell's Not 'Authentic,' She's Ignorant

Joe Klein thinks it's sad that our culture confuses those things

(Newser) - America loves the Mr. Smith Goes to Washington fantasy, the idea of a common person speaking common sense to power. But Mr. Smith knew his stuff. “Christine O’Donnell is not like that. She is attractive to some, because she doesn’t know anything,” writes Joe Klein of...

O'Donnell to GOP: Hannity's 'in My Back Pocket'

Senate hopeful complains party leaving her in the cold

(Newser) - Feeling sorely underfunded, Christine O’Donnell has warned the GOP she has a secret weapon: She says she’s “got Sean Hannity in my back pocket, and I can go on his show and raise money by attacking you guys,” top Republicans tell Howard Fineman of the Huffington...

Christine O'Donnell: GOP Has Abandoned Me

... Because she trails by 19 points

(Newser) - She can't remember any recent Supreme Court cases, but Christine O'Donnell isn't about to forget how the GOP is sitting on its wallet instead of pouring cash into her gaffe-infused race. “The Republican Party on the state level, or on the national level, neither have come in to help...

O'Donnell Blanks on Court Cases in Debate

And brushes off old comments; rival Chris Coons says they still matter

(Newser) - It's like deja vu all over again: The question that tripped up Sarah Palin two years ago stumped Christine O'Donnell as well. Squaring off against Democrat Chris Coons in a nationally televised debate, O'Donnell was asked which recent Supreme Court opinions she disagreed with. After stumbling for a moment (and...

Neighbors Spill the Beans on Christine O'Donnell

Nothing crazy, but she did host frequent slumber parties with boyfriend

(Newser) - Is the real Christine O’Donnell really just like you? Rebecca Dana of the Daily Beast decided to ask the candidate's old neighbors to find out, and most spoke relatively well of her. “To me, she never said anything nuts,” said one teacher at a nearby Catholic school....

Hot, Superficial GOPers Scorch Ugly, Old Dems

Americans don't want a 'no-drama' government

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Nikki Haley: This is not your daddy's Republican party anymore—it's the party of the hot mama grizzly, writes Tom Junod for Esquire . It might be a rather superficial conclusion, but "the Democratic Party is boring. And its women are either old...

Sharron Angle Tops Wingnuts Index

Angle, DeMint, O'Donnell score high on list of 2010's craziest candidates

(Newser) - There's no shortage of seemingly unhinged Senate candidates out there, but who's the craziest of them all? The Daily Beast has compiled a "Wingnuts Index," judging the Senate hopefuls on criteria including belief in conspiracy theories, special interest-driven voting records, and incidents where the candidates have been called...

SNL Conjures New O'Donnell Witch Ad

She's just a few newts away from making you forget everything

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell and her recent "I'm not a witch" campaign ad made their inevitable appearance on Saturday Night Live last night, with actress Kristen Wigg debuting her own commercial, reports the AP. "Isn't that what the people of Delaware deserve?" asks Wiig, as O'Donnell. "A candidate who...

How Is Christine O'Donnell Different From Alvin Greene?

She gets a pass, he didn't, and that's just wrong

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell and Alvin Greene have a lot in common. “Like O’Donnell, Greene has no experience in office, a controversial back story, and a propensity for saying crazy things in public,” observes Cord Jefferson of the Root . Both seem spectacularly unfit for office. So it seems...

Candidates Literally Hiding From Media order to reduce the chance of making a killer gaffe

(Newser) - Something’s missing from some of 2010’s biggest races: candidates. This year a ton of candidates, most of them Republicans, have chosen to almost completely avoid the public and media, Politico observes. They’re not holding events, or not publicizing it when they do, and refusing to debate or...

O'Donnell Ad: 'I'm Not a Witch'

'I'm you,' candidate says in first TV ad

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell wants Delaware voters to know that she's not a witch. The GOP Senate candidate addressed negative publicity head-on in her first TV ad, the Washington Post reports. "I am not a witch," announced O'Donnell, who told Bill Maher she had "dabbled in witchcraft" in a...

O'Donnell: China Plotting to Take Over America

Or so she thought in 2006

(Newser) - Another day, another dug up story of Christine O'Donnell saying something sort of nutty—specifically, that China was plotting to take over the US. The AP reports that in a debate during Delaware's 2006 Senate primary, O'Donnell said China had a "carefully thought out and strategic plan to take...

Rupert Murdoch Owns the GOP
 Rupert Murdoch Owns the GOP 
Paul Krugman

Rupert Murdoch Owns the GOP

Or at least, it's all on his payroll, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch is a lot like Citizen Kane, with one minor difference. Kane tried to buy high office for himself. Murdoch “just puts politicians on his payroll,” writes Paul Krugman for the New York Times . “And I mean that literally.” As Politico pointed out recently, Fox...

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'
 Christine O'Donnell: 
 'Very Useful Idiot' 

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'

Lends 'populist cover' to billionaire-backed movement

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell's fictional resume and anti-masturbation antics may have liberals laughing , but she's no joke, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . Her ascent is a pure "godsend" for the GOP. Unlike Rove and the Republican old guard, O'Donnell is more than willing to "play the role...

Christine O'Donnell's Dad: Bozo the Clown
 Christine O'Donnell's Dad: 
 Bozo the Clown 

Christine O'Donnell's Dad: Bozo the Clown

Delaware candidate gives rare interview to mainstream media

(Newser) - The New York Times scores a rare interview with Christine O'Donnell, which doesn't result in substantive news but does provide some nuggets:
  • Her dad, Daniel, "worked a series of small television roles before scoring his signature gig—playing Bozo the Clown." (No further details on that; Larry Harmon

2010: It's a Race to the Bottom
 2010: It's a Race to the Bottom 

2010: It's a Race to the Bottom

Alvin Greene, Meg Whitman, Christine O'Donnell, oh my!

(Newser) - The crazies have come pouring out of the woodwork, writes Gail Collins in a survey of the 2010 election landscape. Sure, not much is new about Carl Paladino and Andrew Cuomo frustrating New Yorkers' simple dream "of having a governor whose sex life is a complete mystery," but...

Christine O’Donnell Is MIA in Delaware

Tea Party belle proves that in 2010, all politics is national

(Newser) - You know that old saw, “all politics is local”? Well these days it seems that all politics is national, Matt Bai of the New York Times observes. Just look at Christine O’Donnell. She’s appeared on every national conservative media outlet that will have her, but has...

O'Donnell Fudged Calif. University Credential, Too

Claremont Graduate University has no record of her

(Newser) - Oxford isn't the only school Delaware senate candidate Christine O'Donnell didn't attend, no matter how many times she might say that she did. "Claremont Graduate University has no student or education record for an individual named Christine O'Donnell," says a unequivocal statement from the school in answer to...

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