social networks

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Facebook, iTunes Ruining Web ... Says Web's Creator
Facebook, iTunes Ruining Web ... Says Web's Creator
in case you missed it

Facebook, iTunes Ruining Web ... Says Web's Creator

Tim Berners-Lee blasts those chipping away at its 'egalitarian principles'

(Newser) - Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the British engineer credited with inventing the World Wide Web, has a message for us: Social networking sites, app developers, and other entities, if left unchecked, will ruin his creation—which now belongs to all of us. "The web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because...

Facebook Gets Closer to 'Face' Trademark

Patent office gives notice of allowance

(Newser) - Facebook is thisclose to getting its desired trademark on the word “face,” at least when it comes to online chat rooms or bulletin boards. The US Patent and Trademark Office gave the social networking giant a notice of allowance this week, Inside Facebook reports. Now, Facebook must file...

Cops Using Facebook to Bust Dumb Criminals

Lack of privacy can be a good thing for investigators

(Newser) - Oversharing on Facebook makes it easier for your boss to fire you , your insurer to hike up your rates , and, apparently, your local police officer to arrest you. It seems not-too-bright criminals have a habit of bragging about their misdeeds on social networking sites—sometimes even including photos—which has...

Life Insurers Mine Web to Profile Customers

Buying data Is cheaper than blood tests

(Newser) - Life insurers have traditionally relied on medical tests to get an estimate of a candidate's longevity—screening for things like drug use or high cholesterol. But they're experimenting with a much cheaper, and clandestine, method: gathering up the vast amount of information about people from the web via social networks,...

New Social Network Limits Friends to 50

Founders believe people will share even more

(Newser) - If you were moved by Jimmy Kimmel's recent push for a National Unfriend Day , you should be glad to hear this news: New social network Path launches today, and it limits you to your nearest and dearest 50 friends. Path's limit is in keeping with the work of evolutionary anthropologist...

19 Bizarre Social Networks
 19 Bizarre Social Networks 

19 Bizarre Social Networks

You're not on Facebook, anymore, Toto

(Newser) - Everyone and their mother is on Facebook these days, so where's a girl to go when she wants a little exclusivity? If she likes to crochet, Ravelry , the network for yarn lovers. The Huffington Post lists 18 other out-of-the-ordinary Facebook alternatives.
  • MyFreeImplants : A site for women who want a boob

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