
Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev 

That Viral Glitter Bomb Video Was Fun While It Lasted

Inventor apologizes for misleading viewers

(Newser) - A work of "revenge art" got the internet buzzing with excitement this week—but now, after some online detectives got to work, it seems the video wasn't all it was cracked up to be. BuzzFeed News reports that Mark Rober's "Magnum Opus," a contraption that...

'Porch Pirates' Don't Always Leave With Holiday Gifts

It's a big problem, but some homeowners are fighting back

(Newser) - In the weeks leading up to the holidays, the UPS and Amazon trucks are out in full force—and so are "porch pirates" who steal deliveries from people's mailboxes and porches. But in Utah, one thief went too far and swiped something critical: a three-month supply of a...

Daring ATM Heist: 100 Thieves, 3 Hours, $13M

It happened in 7-Elevens all around Japan

(Newser) - A purported organized-crime incident in Japan put the emphasis on "organized" in a crime that is labeling "Ocean's 100." Cops believe that more than 100 thieves took part in a spree in Tokyo and 16 other prefectures on May 15, cleaning out 7-Eleven ATMS...

Burglars Confess to Save Innocent Man

'It was a case of honor among thieves,' says lawyer

(Newser) - Most burglars would be thrilled to know they got away with their crime. Not this pair: Police say Michael Dehal, 28, and Stephen Monaghan, 50, stole $87,500 worth of beauty products and equipment from a UK salon in June 2014. Though Monaghan was initially suspected, police eventually charged another...

Inside the Brazen $18M Maple-Syrup Heist

NYT gives the back-story behind the 16M-pound theft

(Newser) - With Tuesday's arrests of three of the thieves behind the $18 million maple syrup heist uncovered in Quebec in August, investigators are revealing details of how the job was done, reports the New York Times . But in order to understand the crime, you need to know the victim: the...

Thieves Steal Millions Worth of ... Maple Syrup

Sticky loot in Canada could be worth up to $30M

(Newser) - Pancake enthusiasts, be on the lookout—thieves in Quebec have made off with a "substantial amount" of maple syrup, and the sweet haul could be worth as much as $30 million. A routine inventory check last week of a temporary warehouse where the syrup was being stored revealed the...

Cat Burglars Steal 87-Year-Old's 500 Canaries

Miami cops recover 150 birds, still hunting for thieves

(Newser) - Bird-lover Manuel Sanchez has taken care of canaries for 20 years. So he was heartbroken when thieves stole all 500 of his yellow friends, reports the Miami Herald . But with canaries going for up to $30 each at pet stores, that equals a potential haul of $15,000 for the...

Thieves Make Off With 10-Ton Bridge
 Thieves Make Off 
 With 10-Ton Bridge 
in case you missed it

Thieves Make Off With 10-Ton Bridge

Gang stages epic fake-out

(Newser) - How to steal a 10-ton bridge? Easy: Just pretend you've been hired to demolish it. That's what a gang of metal thieves allegedly did in the Czech Republic recently, showing employees at a depot forged paperwork and telling them the bridge over unused railroad tracks needed to come...

Enjoy the Starbucks Coffee, but Watch for Thieves

NYC police blotters see plenty of thefts of purses, laptops

(Newser) - Grande larceny: Purses and laptops go missing so frequently at New York City Starbucks shops that police have taken to setting up sting operations, reports the New York Times . “You can let your guard down—people are sitting down and talking and using their laptops,” said a police...

Thieves Tunnel Into Bank, Spend Weekend Robbing It

Hundred-foot tunnel was ventilated, lit

(Newser) - Even a local prosecutor was impressed by this crime: Thieves spent months digging a 100-foot-long tunnel into an Argentine bank, and made off with the contents of as many as 140 safety deposit boxes for their trouble. As if that’s not amazing enough, the tunnel—which originated from a...

Hot-Tubbing Burglars Leave Undies Behind

British thieves go in for a soak before work

(Newser) - A crew of cheeky British bandits has an unusual MO: Find homes with hot tubs, enjoy a soak, then steal the owners' luxury goods—and leave their wet undies behind. The bizarre gang has stolen thousand of dollars in cash and property, reports the Telegraph . “There is a serious...

Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev