Ron Paul

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Ron Paul Wins Majority of Maine, Nevada Delegates

Texan's supporters take over state conventions

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a lead that can't be beaten but the GOP race still isn't over—at least not for Ron Paul and his supporters. The Texan's supporters took over Maine's GOP convention on the weekend and won 21 of the state's 24 delegates to...

Romney Wins Delaware, Gingrich's Last Hope

He sweeps 5 states, stakes claim to GOP nomination

(Newser) - Is tonight the night that knocks out Newt Gingrich once and for all? Mitt Romney has won Delaware, billed as Gingrich's last-gasp chance, as part of a five-state sweep, according to the Wall Street Journal . In addition to Delaware, Romney won Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. He...

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
new report

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28

Even though Santorum didn't bow out until April 10

(Newser) - No one's been nominated yet—but the media crowned Mitt Romney the winner of the GOP primaries after he took Michigan on Feb. 28, a Pew report finds. Of course, Romney didn't essentially seal the deal until Rick Santorum dropped out. That happened on April 10, weeks after...

Campaigning Paul Misses 92% of House Votes

Lame duck congressman posts highest absentee rate ever

(Newser) - Ron Paul hasn't exactly been making an effort to keep up with his day job while he's on the campaign trail. The Texas congressman has missed a whopping 91.8% of roll call votes so far in 2012, the Hill reports, based on figures. While it'...

60% of GOP Wants Gingrich, Paul to Quit

Santorum's Pennsylvania lead vanishes

(Newser) - Most Republicans believe there are two too many candidates still seeking their party's nomination, according to the latest CNN poll . The poll found that roughly 60% of the GOP want Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to call it a day, while a similar proportion want Rick Santorum to stick...

Santorum: Mitt's Advantage Is 'Bad Math'

Revisions to Florida, other states will change delegates, says Santorum

(Newser) - So does Mitt Romney really have an unbeatable two-to-one delegate lead over Rick Santorum? Not according to Santorum, who called it "bad math" yesterday, according to Fox News . "There's a lot of bad math there that doesn't reflect the reality of what's going on. I...

Ron Paul: Give Etch a Sketch 'Games' a Rest

New ad mocks rivals' focus on the Romney camp's gaffe

(Newser) - Sick of the endless Etch a Sketch jokes and analogies after two days of near-constant presence in the news cycle? Ron Paul is, too, apparently. His new ad mocks Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and no end of cable talking heads for focusing on the gaffe instead of more substantive issues,...

Majority of Lawmakers Funnel Money to Families
Majority of Lawmakers
Funnel Money to Families
watchdog report

Majority of Lawmakers Funnel Money to Families

Watchdog group issues report detailing litany of financial benefits

(Newser) - Having an uncle in Congress is apparently a pretty sweet gig. More than half of the lawmakers in Congress have bestowed some kind of financial boon on their families, according to the Citizens for Responsibilities and Ethics in Washington, which has released a 346-page report that the New York Times...

Ron Paul: Secret Service 'a Form of Welfare'

But candidate has chosen a code name, he tells Jay Leno

(Newser) - Ron Paul has a Secret Service code name all picked out, but he doesn't want to use it, Politico reports: The presidential candidate doesn't want Secret Service protection because "it's a form of welfare," he told Jay Leno last night. "You know, you’re...

What to Watch in Illinois&#39; Primary

 What to Watch 
 in Illinois Primary 
election 2012

What to Watch in Illinois Primary

Mitt Romney poised for the win as voters hit the polls

(Newser) - Illinois votes for its GOP candidate of choice today, with 69 delegates at stake—the second-most of any state so far. Here's what the experts at Politico and the Daily Beast have their eye on:
  • Can Mitt Romney crack 50%? Polls have Romney heavily favored in the state, and

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

 Romney Way Up 
 in Illinois, But... 
primary preview

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

Some cite lackluster performance in state he could have dominated

(Newser) - A new poll puts Mitt Romney 15 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, Rick Santorum, in Illinois' primary tomorrow—but perhaps he shouldn't start celebrating yet. Public Policy Polling has Romney winning 45% of the vote to Santorum's 30% (it puts Newt Gingrich at 12% and Ron...

Republicans Brace for Brokered Convention

Leaders dusting off rule books, readying for big fight

(Newser) - For much of American history, brokered conventions were the norm, but the two big parties have not had one since Democrats chose Adlai Stevenson in 1952. The Republicans' last brokered convention was 1948 when they picked Thomas Dewey (Gerald Ford beat Ronald Reagan on the first ballot in 1976). But...

'Mass Hysteria' Rules Raucous Missouri Caucuses

Two Ron Paul supporters arrested

(Newser) - It's not a party until something gets broken, and it's not a political party until someone gets arrested. This spring's GOP primary battle is now a party, as GOP leaders and enthusiastic supporters squared off in one of Missouri's largest caucuses yesterday, reports ABC News . At...

Pundits: It&#39;s a Two-Man Race
 Pundits: It's a Two-Man Race 

Pundits: It's a Two-Man Race

Ala., Miss. results give Santorum a clear shot at Romney

(Newser) - Only a few percentage points separated the top three candidates in Alabama and Mississippi's GOP primaries, but the results left Rick Santorum looking like a big winner, and Newt Gingrich looking like a goner, say pundits, who predict tough times ahead for Mitt Romney.
  • Santorum's wins in Gingrich'

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

 Mitt Romney 
 Fails to Land 

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

Race set to drag on despite Mitt winning 5 states

(Newser) - As the dust from Super Tuesday settles, the good news for Mitt Romney is that he won the most states, including the grand prize of Ohio. But he definitely wasn't crowned the champion. Rick Santorum scored decisive wins, and those victories—plus Romney's narrow margin of victory in...

Energy, not Math, on Santorum&#39;s Side
 Energy, not Math,  
 on Santorum's Side 

Energy, not Math, on Santorum's Side

Results good enough to carry him forward ... for now

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won six out of 10 Super Tuesday states, including the big prize of Ohio, but you won't find many pundits calling him the big winner. Instead, pundits are painting him as bruised, while Rick Santorum emerges with a good enough night to carry him forward:
  • Santorum's

Ron Paul Is Night&#39;s Big Loser
 Ron Paul 
 Is Night's 
 Big Loser 
super tuesday

Ron Paul Is Night's Big Loser

'This is a long-term operation,' says stick-with-it candidate

(Newser) - Ron Paul was last night's big loser, coming away from Super Tuesday without a single primary win. His best showing was a second place to Rick Santorum's win in North Dakota, one of the three states along with Idaho and Alaska that Paul targeted. The race was like...

Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines
 Super Tuesday: 
 4 Candidates, 
 4 Storylines 


Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines

Your look at what to watch for today

(Newser) - It's here at last: Super Tuesday, the day 10 states cast their ballots in the 2012 primary. Here's what's at stake for each of the candidates today:
  • Mitt RomneyExpected to win: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia. Really wants to win: Ohio and Tennessee. Winning both would give him

Day Before Super Tuesday, All Eyes on ... Limbaugh

Focus on social issues hurts GOP: strategists

(Newser) - A day before Super Tuesday, the GOP name getting the most play may be ... Rush Limbaugh. Social issues like contraception are taking center stage in the Republican presidential campaign—though birth control is a matter that's "nowhere near the top of what most Americans are most focused on...

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

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