uranium enrichment

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Iran Says Nuclear Enrichment Has Begun

IAEA inspectors are there, but agency cannot confirm announcement

(Newser) - Iran took its test of international resolve and patience to the next level today, with state media reporting that it has indeed begun to enrich uranium to a higher level, as threatened yesterday. UN inspectors were present, but couldn't confirm what exactly the Iranians are doing to their current stock...

Ahmadinejad Ramps Up Iran's Plutonium Production

About-face from last week's willingness to cooperate with UN plan

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ordered his country's atomic agency today to begin the production of higher enriched uranium, in a move that's likely to deepen international skepticism about Iran's real nuclear intentions. On state television, Ahmadinejad said: "God willing, 20% enrichment will start" to meet Iran's needs. The comments fly in...

Defiant Iran Scoffs at Sanctions
Defiant Iran Scoffs at Sanctions

Defiant Iran Scoffs at Sanctions

'Any finger which is about to pull the trigger will be cut off'

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said it was pointless for the international community to impose sanctions against Iran. The president remained defiant as ever in the face of a global consensus against the nation's nuclear program, and said threats of isolating the country were "ridiculous." Iran is fully capable of making...

UN Criticism Prompted New Nuclear Plans: Iran

Blames UN agency for plan to build 10 enrichment plants

(Newser) - In a flamboyant rebuke to the international community, the Iranian nuclear chief said today it's the UN's fault that Tehran is planning to build 10 new uranium enrichment facilities. The decision was necessary, Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi told state radio, because the UN atomic watchdog demanded that Iran halt...

Iran OKs Plans for 10 Nuke Plants

Tehran thumbs nose at UN demands to cease program

(Newser) - The Iranian government approved a plan today to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of UN demands it halt enrichment. The decision comes only days after the UN nuclear watchdog agency censured Iran over its program and demanded it halt the...

Iran Won't Let Uranium Go Abroad After All
Iran Won't Let Uranium Go Abroad After All

Iran Won't Let Uranium Go Abroad After All

Despite cooperation pledge, Tehran nixes key piece of deal

(Newser) - Iran looks to be backtracking on a key piece of the deal struck in multi-party talks last week over its nuclear program, deciding it doesn’t want most of its uranium sent abroad for reprocessing. “The key issue is that Iran does not agree to export its lightly enriched...

Ahmadinejad Backs Nuke Deal—in Some Form

But Iran won't retreat 'even an iota' on right to program

(Newser) - Iran will not give up its nuclear program but is ready to cooperate with the West, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech today. It's Western powers that have moved, he said in a speech on state television, “from confrontation to interaction” with Iran on the nuclear issue so that...

Iran Wants to Change Uranium Deal
Iran Wants
to Change
Uranium Deal

Iran Wants to Change Uranium Deal

But Tehran proposal would make the agreement pointless

(Newser) - Iran continues to waffle on the details of the deal under consideration to ship its enriched uranium to Russia. Now it's saying that if it does agree to the deal—a formal response is due Friday—it won't send all of its uranium at once. Instead, it will send shipments...

Iran Balks at UN Plan on Nukes
Iran Balks
at UN Plan
on Nukes

Iran Balks at UN Plan on Nukes

Now wants to buy fuel, not ship uranium to Russia for enrichment

(Newser) - State TV says Iran wants to buy nuclear fuel it needs for a research reactor rather than accept the UN deal negotiated earlier this week, in which much of Iran's uranium would be shipped to Russia for further enrichment. The response will come as a disappointment to the US, Russia,...

Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal
 Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal 

Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal

Talks begin today as state news hints out-of-country enrichment deal won't fly

(Newser) - State news reports coming out of Iran suggest that country is backpedaling on a possible deal to enrich partially processed uranium in Russia or France for use in nuclear power plants. State-run television reports that the government is in fact opposed to shipping partially enriched nuclear fuel outside of the...

Iran May Be Ready for Nuke Deal
 Iran May Be 
 Ready for 
 Nuke Deal 

Iran May Be Ready for Nuke Deal

Nation may have reached its goal

(Newser) - Iran has likely taken its nuclear program as far as it wants to and the nation may be willing to make a deal with the US and its allies this month, analysts say. The country has developed the capability to create and deliver a nuclear weapon without actually making it,...

CIA Knew of 'Secret' Iran Facility: Panetta

Once agency was certain this spring, Obama kept info as leverage for talks

(Newser) - The CIA knew about Iran's recently revealed uranium-enrichment facility and had been collecting intelligence on it since 2006. The US, the UK, and France had been on the lookout for a new secret plant since the 2002 revelation of the Natanz facility. When intelligence and covert operations uncovered a new...

Iran to Allow Inspectors at Qom Site on Oct. 25

IAEA head says Tehran is moving toward 'transparency and cooperation' on nuclear issue

(Newser) - Iran will allow UN inspectors into the newly-disclosed nuclear facility near the city of Qom on October 25, the head of the IAEA said yesterday, a day after arriving in Tehran. Iran and the West seem to be “shifting gears from confrontation into transparency and cooperation," he added...

US Will Give Iran 3 Months to Spill Nuke Secrets

(Newser) - The US will tell Iran next week that it must open all its nuclear sites for inspection within 3 months, turn over any related documents, and make scientists available for questions. Tehran also may be ordered to allow inspectors into its newly revealed uranium-enrichment plant within days. The revelation of...

Obama Demands Inquiry Into Iran Nuke Plant

US, France, Britain threaten sanctions

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of France and Britain demanded today that Iran fully disclose its nuclear ambitions "or be held accountable" to an impatient world community. They threatened new sanctions after the disclosure of a secret Iranian nuclear facility. "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must...

Iran Nuclear Talks Stall; Sanctions Loom

Stalemate seen as Ahmadinejad refuses more negotiations

(Newser) - Iran looks set to face another round of international sanctions as nuclear talks have reached an impasse and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refuses to discuss a compromise, reports the Guardian. Mohamed ElBaradei, who heads the UN nuclear watchdog, said today Iran has not suspended enrichment activities and continues to be uncooperative with...

Iran Poised to Create Nuke Next Year

Country mastered warhead deployment in 2003: Times of London

(Newser) - Iran has the capability to build a nuclear weapon within a year, and has either started to do so or is waiting for the go-ahead from Ayatollah Khamenei, sources tell the Times of London. The 2007 US National Intelligence Estimate that reported that Iran had halted nuclear research in 2003...

Obama Pushes Global Uranium Fuel Bank

Shared supply would undercut Iran's claims of 'peaceful' enrichment

(Newser) - President Obama has proposed the creation of a global supply of uranium that would allow nations to obtain fuel for civilian nuclear power but would curtail rogue states' ability to build weapons. An international bank could hamper Iran's efforts to justify its covert enrichment program, the Boston Globe reports. "...

Iran 6 Months From Nuke-Ready: Report

Senate report warns uranium stockpile could cause regional arms race

(Newser) - Experts believe Iran could be only 6 months away from having enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear bomb, CNN reports. While there's no indication Iran is preparing to build a bomb, the status of the country's nuclear program remains largely unknown, and its uranium stockpile has the potential to destabilize...

Clinton Threatens Sanctions If Iran Won't Come to Table

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton said today that the US is “laying the groundwork” for sanctions against Iran if it doesn’t participate in nuclear talks, the BBC reports. The secretary of State said a rebuff of US overtures or continued enrichment would lead to a “very tough” response. Iran is...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>