
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Egypt Cop to ABC Producer: I'll Cut Off Your Head

Chilling threat part of mounting attacks on journalists

(Newser) - Police threatened an ABC News journalist covering the crisis in Egypt with decapitation in one of a mounting series of attacks on reporters. Two vehicles carrying producer Brian Hartman and three other ABC employees were carjacked to an isolated neighborhood yesterday where an angry mob surrounded them and a police...

Fashion Label Kenneth Cole Misfires With Egypt Tweet

It hijacks Cairo hashtag to promote its new spring line

(Newser) - And the day's award for corporate insensitivity goes to: Kenneth Cole. The high-end fashion label used the #Cairo hashtag—which the rest of the world is using to follow the protests— to get some publicity for its spring collection. "Millions are in uproar in #Cairo," read the now-deleted...

Day's Toll in Egypt: 3 Dead, 600 Injured

Standoff continues into the night

(Newser) - With the standoff in Tahrir Square continuing into the wee hours, the best estimates from the day's violence between anti-government protesters and pro-Mubarak forces have three people dead and more than 600 injured, reports AP . All of the violence took place as the military largely stood by and watched, and...

Violent Clashes Break Out in Cairo

 Violent Clashes 
 Break Out in Cairo 

Violent Clashes Break Out in Cairo

Men charged through on camel and horseback, swinging whips

(Newser) - Chaos broke out in Cairo’s Tahrir Square today, as supporters of Hosni Mubarak took to the streets, resulting in a violent confrontation with pro-Democracy protesters. Tens of thousands on each side battled using rocks, sticks, and iron bars, Sky News reports. Initially there was a break in the fighting—...

Throngs Gather for 'Million-Man' March

Pockets of protesters form elsewhere.

(Newser) - Cairo's “march of a million” looks like it's living up to its billing, reports al-Jazeera , with something along those lines gathered in Tahrir Square to call for Hosni Mubarak’s departure. A second "million-strong" demonstration is also scheduled in Alexandria, and in there have been “increasingly large...

Roads Shut as Masses Descend on Cairo

Military pledges not to fire on protesters

(Newser) - Authorities have shut down all roads and public transportation to Cairo as anti-government protesters gather for what organizers say will be the biggest day of protests yet, security officials tell AP . Organizers hope a million people will gather in the city's Tahrir Square to demand the ouster of President Hosni...

Looters Rip Heads off Mummies
 Looters Rip Heads off Mummies 

Looters Rip Heads off Mummies

Military sent to guard Egyptian Museum

(Newser) - Would-be looters broke into Cairo's famed Egyptian Museum, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 10 small artifacts before being caught and detained by soldiers, Egypt's antiquities chief said today. Zahi Hawass said the vandals did not manage to steal any of the museum's antiquities, and that the...

Egyptian Police Stand Down, Army Joins Protest

Chaos reigns in streets of Cairo

(Newser) - Protesters in Cairo once again defied curfew today, but this time the police largely stood by and let them do it, the LA Times reports. The military meanwhile seems to have switched sides; as protesters swarmed over Cairo’s central square, the officers stationed there threw off their helmets...

Egypt Blocks Internet, Deploys Special Forces

Communication tools shut down ahead of 'day of rage'

(Newser) - As what is expected to be the biggest day of protests yet looms, Egyptian authorities have blocked Internet traffic and deployed an elite special operations counterterrorism force. Users are reporting major disruptions to Internet and text messaging services, and Cairo appears to be completely offline, the Huffington Post reports.

Egypt Braces for Bigger Protests Tomorrow

Mohamed ElBaradei returns, says he's ready to lead

(Newser) - Protests continued throughout Egypt today, but demonstrators say tomorrow could be the biggest day yet. Millions gather at mosques for Friday prayers, providing organizers with a huge number of people already on the streets to tap into. Meanwhile, Egypt's top democracy advocate—Mohamed ElBaradei—returned to the country today and...

Egypt Bans Protests, But Streets Still Full

Police use riot trucks, rubber bullets to disperse crowds

(Newser) - Egypt banned all protest gatherings today, warning that any protesters in the street would face “immediate” arrests. But thousands took to the streets anyway, according to Reuters . By early this morning, police had used tear gas and rubber bullets to drive protesters out of a major Cairo square where...

3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests
 3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests 

3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests

Huge numbers seen at Tunisia-inspired demonstrations

(Newser) - Massive anti-government protests in Egypt today left three people dead, and demonstrators vowed to camp out overnight and continue demonstrations tomorrow, reports AP . Riot police in Cairo used tear gas, water cannons, and batons throughout the day to try to disperse protesters, who marched in what activists called a “...

Second Cairo Protester Sets Himself on Fire

Self-immolation copycats inspired by Tunisian

(Newser) - Setting yourself on fire has officially caught on in Northern Africa. A second Egyptian man set himself ablaze outside the prime minister’s office today in Cairo, a day after another Egyptian man, and several in Algeria and Mauritania, did the same thing . This time the burning man was a...

Cairo Seeks to Tone Down Noisy Call to Prayer

Government says it's too 'chaotic'

(Newser) - The morning call to prayer in Cairo is a powerful experience—as daylight creeps over the city, the voices of thousands of holy men (aided by microphones and loudspeakers) fill the air. The ritual fills some residents with holy peace—and strikes others as a terrible racket. Namely the Ministry...

Recovered $50M Van Gogh Actually ... Still Missing

'Poppy Flowers' was taken from museum in Egypt

(Newser) - Despite reports of a quick recovery , a $50 million Vincent van Gogh painting is still missing from Egypt's Mahmoud Khalil Museum. The minister of culture said police confiscated the artwork, known as Poppy Flowers or Vase With Flowers, at an airport in Cairo from an Italian couple just hours after...

Egyptian Oasis Yields Roman-Era Mummy

'Unique find' appears to be 3-foot-tall adult: archaeologists

(Newser) - Egyptian archaeologists have discovered an intricately carved plaster sarcophagus portraying a wide-eyed woman dressed in a tunic in a newly uncovered complex of tombs at a remote desert oasis, Egypt's antiquities department says. It is the first Roman-style mummy found in Bahariya Oasis some 186 miles southwest of Cairo, said...

Egypt Kills All Pigs— But Pigs Eat All Trash

With no swine to eat garbage, waste piles up on city streets

(Newser) - When the Egyptian government decided to kill all of Cairo’s pigs last spring in a pre-emptive measure to combat swine flu, they apparently forgot that the pigs performed a vital function in a city with poor public services: eating trash, the New York Times reports. The zabaleen, Cairo’s...

Egypt Delays School Opening to Combat Swine Flu

Fear of outbreak motivates rescheduling

(Newser) - Fears of a swine flu outbreak have moved the Egyptian government to delay the start of the school year at state-run schools and universities by at least 1 week, the BBC reports. Government-run schools had been set to begin school the last week of September; they will now open Oct....

Obama the Messiah Twists History
Obama the Messiah
Twists History

Obama the Messiah Twists History

Hovering from on high, he finds fault with US: Krauthammer

(Newser) - "He's sort of God," a Newsweek writer said of Barack Obama on MSNBC recently, which for Charles Krauthammer is only a mild overstatement of how the president sees himself: "hovering above mere mortals, mere country, to gaze benignly upon the darkling plain beneath him." In his...

Obama's Mideast Success Jacks Expectations

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s trip to the Middle East has established even higher standards for his presidency, Politico reports. Obama is using his global celebrity to restart Israel-Palestine talks and improve relations between the West and the Muslim world, proving he’s “not a president who has ever shied away...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>