Super Tuesday

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Clinton: In my White House, I'll Wear the Pantsuits

Hoarse hopeful banters with Letterman on Super Tuesday eve

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed off her lighter side in a Super Tuesday eve appearance on David Letterman, joking to the talk-show host that in her White House, "we'll know who wears the pantsuits." Clinton said she was hoarse from rooting for the Giants in a Minneapolis sports bar, and...

McCain, Romney: I'm the Real Conservative

GOP rivals battle over right-wing credentials

(Newser) - GOP contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney have both staked out claims on the conservative heart of the Republican party, hoping to convince voters heading to the polls today that they're the genuine article. Romney insists conservatives up and down the country have told him: "We don't want Senator...

Obama Momentum Opens Lead in California: Poll

Mitt boost in jackpot state may slow McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama is pulling out in front of Hillary Clinton in Missouri and California the day before all-important Super Tuesday, according to the latest Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll. GOP contender John McCain is well ahead of Mitt Romney in New York and New Jersey, but Romney has boosted his lead in California,...

Romney Vows to Chip Away at McCain's Lead

He pledges to fight after Super Tuesday for 'heart' of GOP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney vowed today to stay in the presidential race despite national polls that predict his fall by the wayside. Even a loss on Super Tuesday won't stop him, he said today on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. He also accused John McCain's camp of having "stretched, twisted,...

Clinton, Obama Neck-and-Neck in National Poll

With Rudy out, McCain clear-cut GOP favorite; Edwards' effect unclear

(Newser) - As the race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama continues to tighten, GOP candidate John McCain is enjoying more overwhelming support than ever, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News national poll. Clinton's 47%-43% lead over Obama falls within the poll's margin of error, with no clear sign of who...

Candidates Are Stumping Like It's November

Republicans head south, Clinton west; Obama's in 3 states

(Newser) - Hopefuls from both parties are stumping today as if the election were in 3 days instead of Super Tuesday, the New York Times reports. GOP candidates are swinging through the South while Clinton heads west and Obama jumps from state to state. “This is the most consequential election in...

Obama Fights for Latino Vote
Obama Fights for Latino Vote

Obama Fights for Latino Vote

Deploys innovative, high-risk strategies in face of Clinton's entrenched ties

(Newser) - The Barack Obama campaign is at work in places like Greeley, Colorado, and Las Cruces, New Mexico, trying to break Hillary Clinton's hold on the crucial Latino vote. Obama strategists have taken an unusual tack: focusing on areas outside major cities where campaigns rarely stray, a wager that they can...

Romney Is California Dreamin'
Romney Is California Dreamin'

Romney Is California Dreamin'

Winning some of the state's 170 delegates is his campaign's best hope to stay alive

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is counting on California delegate math to keep his White House bid alive past Super Tuesday, the AP reports. Because California awards most of its 170 delegates on a district-by-district basis, a strong Romney showing could offset John McCain wins in some winner-take-all states. Wary of spreading himself...

Polls Predict Easy Ride for McCain
Polls Predict Easy Ride
for McCain

Polls Predict Easy Ride for McCain

State-by-state look gives him Super Tuesday victory

(Newser) - Snowballing support for John McCain means he could just about wrap it up on Super Tuesday, TPM Election Central reports. A state-by-state look at the 21 races sees him leading in most and, thanks to differing rules on apportioning of GOP delegates, McCain will walk away from Romney states with...

Oprah's Back on Campaign Trail
Oprah's Back on Campaign Trail

Oprah's Back on Campaign Trail

Talk show star to give Obama's California campaign a boost

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is getting back on the campaign trail, reports the New York Times. Insiders say she will join Barack Obama's wife Michelle and Caroline Kennedy at a rally in Los Angeles tomorrow, aiming to sway women voters Obama's way before Tuesday's crucial vote. Oprah's credited with having helped boost...

Mitt Spending Big in Super Tuesday States

Ad buy may force McCain to match

(Newser) - The Romney campaign revealed today it will make a major ad buy in California and several other February 5 states. A spokesman said Mitt made the decision this morning, CBS reports; a small advertising budget would have signaled the campaign didn’t like its chances for the nomination. Romney, worth...

Governator Endorses McCain
Governator Endorses McCain

Governator Endorses McCain

Schwarzenegger calls candidate 'a great American hero'

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed John McCain for the GOP nomination today at a Los Angeles solar energy company, calling his fellow Westerner a hero and a great American. Standing beside the candidate and new Mac backer Rudy Giuliani, Arnie stressed their shared concern over climate change, and praised McCain as “...

Obama Pulled In $32M in January
Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Meanwhile, McCain makes headway after beginning '08 in debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $32 million this month, the Washington Post reports—a massive number in such a short span. The Democrat's campaign manager reported 170,000 new donors in January, raising the total number of contributors to 650,000. The best fundraising day was immediately following Hillary Clinton’s...

Obama Hopes Kansas Roots Will Yield Votes

Red state's blue governor greets hopeful with endorsement

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been hitting the pavement in staunchly Republican Kansas, the Los Angeles Times reports, returning to the town where his maternal grandparents lived during the Great Depression. The Democratic presidential candidate also picked up an endorsement yesterday from Democratic governor Kathleen Sebelius—something that might help the Illinois...

McCain Surges Ahead in California
Surges Ahead
in California

McCain Surges Ahead in California

He opens up big lead over Romney week before Super Tuesday

(Newser) - John McCain has leaped ahead of GOP rival Mitt Romney in California, according to the latest CNN/OpinionResearch Corp. McCain has the support of 39% of likely California Republican voters, up 19% from just two weeks ago, and well ahead of Romney, with 26%. Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee bring up...

Edwards' New Plan: Outlast 'Celebrity Candidates'

Hopeful lays out new strategy and boasts of January funding increase

(Newser) - John Edwards may be running third among Dem hopefuls, but he vowed to stay in the race today with a new long-term strategy, the Chicago Tribune reports. He plans to roll online donations into ad campaigns in Super Tuesday states and a dozen others—including "red" ones—until the...

Republicans Place Super Tuesday Bets

McCain, Giuliani have similar plans; only Romney will go national

(Newser) - With Super Tuesday looming, Republican contenders are ironing out their strategies for what an adviser to John McCain calls "a de facto national primary," the Washington Post reports. McCain and Rudy Giuliani have overlapping plans in California and the Northeast, Mike Huckabee is crossing his fingers in the...

Clinton Still Leads in the Big States

Decisive edge over Obama in 8 of the 10 most important Super Tuesday races

(Newser) - Barack Obama's landslide win in South Carolina gave the Illinois senator a hefty boost in the lead-up to Super Tuesday, but the big states are voting on Feb. 5, and Clinton holds the lead in most of them. The sheer diversity will prevent candidates from doing the whistle-stop campaigning that's...

How the Super Tuesday States Screwed Up
How the Super Tuesday States Screwed Up

How the Super Tuesday States Screwed Up

Turns out, voting late might actually be better in '08's crazy primaries

(Newser) - The states that rushed to hold their primaries as soon into 2008 as possible are probably regretting it right about now, writes Slate’s Jeff Greenfield. It turns out that early momentum hasn't been generated, and Super Tuesday might not decide anything. That would give the straggling late states enough...

Empty Coffers Force McCain From Stump
Empty Coffers Force McCain
From Stump

Empty Coffers Force McCain From Stump

Flurry of fundraising aimed at Super Tuesday ad push

(Newser) - With Florida's Republican primary nearing, John McCain is making a risky decision to trade stumping for fund-raising—an effort to fill coffers ahead of Super Tuesday competition against a rival who can loan money to his own campaign. McCain has seven donor events before Tuesday’s vote, an itinerary advisers...

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