au pair

6 Stories

Months Later, Au Pair Charged in Strange Virginia Murder Case

The woman, who is from Brazil, was only charged with one of the murders

(Newser) - Around 8am on February 24, a woman called police in Fairfax County, Virginia, to report that a woman, whom she referred to as a friend of hers, was hurt. A man then got on the phone and said he had shot an unknown male who had entered his home. When...

Told to Return Keys, Killer Used Them to Enter House: Police

Au pair's ex-boyfriend is charged in two slayings

(Newser) - Instead of returning house keys to the girlfriend who wanted to break up with him, a New Jersey man allegedly used the keys to enter a suburban house and stab the au pair's employer to death. He then chased the woman down a street and killed her too, court...

Thousands of Au Pairs to Share $65M Settlement

Suit said agencies colluded to keep pay low

(Newser) - About 10,000 live-in child care workers from around the world will share in a class-action settlement in a case that challenged whether they should be treated as employees entitled to minimum wage or members of the family learning about the US while helping out at home. US District Judge...

NY Poised to Pass Nation's First Nanny Protection Law

Bill gives domestic workers overtime pay, weekly day off

(Newser) - New York is about to become the first state to recognize nannies and domestic workers as workers with rights. A bill passed by the state Senate this week guarantees full-time domestic workers overtime pay and one day off a week, as well as sick days and vacation days. It will...

Nannies Turn Baby Boys Into Skirt Chasers: Shrink

They fall in love with the 'other woman'

(Newser) - Nannies introduce the idea of the "other woman" into the psyche of baby boys and make them more likely to be womanizers when they're grown, a psychiatrist claims. Even after marriage, he'll have "at the back of his mind the notion of this other woman, who knows and...

5 Fly Jobs That Serve Up a Change of Scene

Had it with hometown? Some gigs come with cruise ships and A-list parties

(Newser) - You don't have to be the CEO of an international corporation to go abroad.  These jobs will get you there even if you're just out of college:
  1. Teacher:  Go abroad, and you may make even more than back home.
  2. Chef:  Are you an established chef? Some hotels

6 Stories
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