product liability

3 Stories

Court: Amazon Is Liable for Faulty 3rd-Party Goods
Court Deals Major
Blow to Amazon

Court Deals Major Blow to Amazon

'Consumers across the nation will feel the impact of this'

(Newser) - Amazon can't shrug off responsibility for defective goods sold on its website by third parties, a California appeals court decided Thursday, dealing a major blow to the e-commerce giant. The California Fourth District Court of Appeals ruled that Amazon can be held liable for damage in a case brought...

Wreck Your Car? You Can Still Sue GM

(Newser) - General Motors had hoped to emerge from bankruptcy with a protective coating against future product-liability suits. No such luck, reports the Wall Street Journal. Bowing to government pressure, GM has agreed to change its bankruptcy terms, allowing drivers injured in accidents that stem from vehicle defects to sue the company,...

Supreme Court Denies Tobacco Industry Appeal

Justices won't intervene in W. Va. case involving hundreds of lawsuits

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today handed the tobacco industry a setback, rejecting without comment an appeal contending that West Virginia’s two-tiered system of consolidating cases is unconstitutional. In their appeal, industry lawyers called the process “deeply and fundamentally flawed,” the Wall Street Journal reports, but the plaintiffs' lawyers...

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