Marianne Faithfull

2 Stories

Marianne Faithfull: My Boyfriend Killed Doors' Jim Morrison

She says he supplied him with heroin that was too strong

(Newser) - The death of Doors frontman Jim Morrison at the age of 27 back in 1971 still has all kinds of conspiracy theories and weirdness connected to it, thanks to the lack of an autopsy. Doctors cited heart failure, and now former girlfriend Marianne Faithfull tells British music site Mojo that...

Faithfull Shines in Irina Palm
 Faithfull Shines in Irina Palm
movie review

Faithfull Shines in Irina Palm

1960s icon plays a grandma-turned-sex-worker

(Newser) - Irina Palm, about a frumpy grandmother who resorts to prostitution so she can pay for her desperately ill grandson's operation, is winning over critics, both because of its unsentimental portrayal of the sex trade and because of the performance given by its star, singer/songwriter/actress and '60s icon Marianne Faithfull.

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