Drew Faust

2 Stories

Grads: Be Glad You're Finally Free of This

Wall Street's collapse is a blessing in disguise

(Newser) - The best asset an imploded Wall Street is providing this year’s college grads is their freedom, Ellen Goodman writes in the Boston Globe. During the boom, bright students streamed to Wall Street, but those days seem over. Sure, without a phalanx of white-collar recruiters after them, many have no...

Even Harvard, With $37B in Bank, Is Tightening Belt

President warns of budgetary reshuffling

(Newser) - Even its $36.9 billion endowment (as of June, that is) won't protect Harvard, the nation's richest university, from feeling the effects of the financial crisis, its president said yesterday. Drew Faust said cost savings would be in order, though specific plans aren’t settled, the Harvard Crimson reports. One...

2 Stories