drum major

3 Stories

Death of Hazed Drum Major Ruled a Homicide

Death caused by 'blunt force trauma sustained during hazing incident'

(Newser) - A Florida A&M University drum major who died after being hazed was indeed killed by that hazing, and his death has been ruled a homicide. The Orange-Osceola Medical Examiner's Office today revealed that Robert Champion's death was the result of "blunt force trauma sustained during a...

Fla. A&M Suspends Band After Hazing Death

Hazing widespread within 'Marching 100,' parents say

(Newser) - All performances by Florida A&M University's famed "Marching 100" band have been suspended while police and the university investigate the death of a drum major. Over the weekend, Robert Champion, 26, collapsed outside a charter bus after a football game in which the band performed at half-time....

Drum Major Suspended for Nodding at Obama

Member of Cleveland firefighters' group violated 'protocol and proper decorum'

(Newser) - A Cleveland man who marched as drum major with a firefighters band in last week’s inaugural parade has been suspended for a nod and a wave he gave to President Obama, the Plain Dealer reports. “This was a military parade. Protocol and proper decorum had to be followed...

3 Stories