Google Pac-Man

2 Stories

Google's 'Pac-Man View' Is No Prank

Users really can play arcade game on the world's streets

(Newser) - Google has long enjoyed April Fools' Day fun, but unlike Google Nose and Gmail Motion , the new Pac-Man Street View feature is not a prank—unless the joke is on people who've lost hours munching dots around the world. Desktop users of Google Maps can click an icon to...

Google's Pac-Man Doodle Cost $120M in Lost Work

Playable logo sucked up 5M working hours

(Newser) - Google's playable Pac-Man doodle left the world's bosses short-changed to the tune of $120 million last week, according to Tony Wright, maker of productivity tracking software Rescue Time . Wright calculates that the game caused users—most of whom, presumably, were at work and supposed to be doing something besides munching...

2 Stories