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Archaeologists Are Bitter About Cadbury

They say treasure hunt campaign advocated looting

(Newser) - Cadbury has pulled an advertising campaign that archaeologists say encouraged children to dig for treasure—illegally. Naming archaeological sites around the UK and Ireland where jewels, gold, and silver have been found, the Treasure Island ads encouraged kids to "grab your metal detector and go hunting for Roman riches"...

800 Years After Death, Crusader Loses His Head

Thieves wreak havoc in crypt of St. Michan's in Dublin

(Newser) - If you happen to stumble across an 800-year-old mummy head, Irish police are looking for one. The head of a man who fought in the medieval-era Crusades was "severed from his body and taken away" from the crypt of St. Michan's church in Dublin sometime before Monday afternoon,...

May Needs EU Reversal on Brexit. It's Not Budging

British PM to discuss tweaking backstop with EU leaders

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday sought to salvage a Brexit deal but headed toward a clash with the European Union by promising to overhaul the divorce deal she spent a year and a half negotiating with the bloc. Trying to break the Brexit deadlock, May urged lawmakers to...

Lawyer Refers to Teen's Lacy Thong in Her Rape Trial

'You have to look at the way she was dressed,' lawyer said of 17-year-old

(Newser) - A female lawmaker stood in Irish parliament Tuesday and pulled a pair of lacy thong underwear from her sleeve . This "might seem embarrassing," MP Ruth Coppinger began. But "how do you think a rape victim or a woman feels at … her underwear being shown in a...

After Human Remains Found in Septic System, a Huge Effort

Ireland decides to do full forensic excavation at Tuam mother and baby home

(Newser) - In 2016, test excavations at the site of a former Catholic orphanage confirmed "significant quantities of human remains" were present in the old septic system of the Catholic-run Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, Ireland. The probe for such remains followed a bombshell 2014 report by a...

Ireland Gets Krispy Kreme Drive-Thru, Loses Its Mind
Irish Utterly Lose Their Minds
Over ... Krispy Kreme 

Irish Utterly Lose Their Minds Over ... Krispy Kreme

Dublin 24-hour drive-thru shuts down after one week due to chaos

(Newser) - Honking horns, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and tempers converged upon the Irish capital of Dublin over the past seven days—and it was all due to tasty fried dough. Mashable reports that the Sept. 26 grand opening of the city's first 24-hour Krispy Kreme drive-thru quickly resulted in long lines of...

Ireland Says Trump Visit Has Been Canceled

'We are glad he is not coming,' lawmaker says.

(Newser) - President Trump's first visit to Ireland as president has been called off—according to the Irish, but not the White House. The Irish government said Tuesday that the visit announced in August had been "postponed due to scheduling reasons," the BBC reports. Trump had planned to visit...

Fire in Ireland Reveals Giant WWII Warning

Wildfire uncovers sign designed to alert aerial bombers they were over neutral territory

(Newser) - The US isn't the only nation battling wildfires, and one blaze in Ireland has revealed a relic of sorts from World War II. The wildfire on the eastern coast burned away vegetation that has long hidden a giant warning embedded into the earth using whitewashed stones, reports the Irish ...

Plastic Straws on Their Way Out at McDonald's

UK, Ireland locations will switch to paper straws; other countries like US to do test runs

(Newser) - "A move on straws" is afoot across the pond, and McDonald's is driving the push. The fast-food chain is nixing plastic straws and moving to paper in all of its Ireland and United Kingdom restaurants in what the UK's environment secretary calls a "significant contribution" to...

Ireland to Hold Referendum on Potty Mouth

The country is holding a referendum to determine if the blasphemy passage should be deleted from the Constitution

(Newser) - The Irish Constitution has a strict prohibition against potty mouth. “The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious, or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with law,” says Article 40 of the country’s 1937 Constitution. And a 2009 Defamation Act made the act...

Irish PM: 126 Children Were 'Robbed of Their Identity'

Leo Varadkar apologizes for 'dark chapter' in his country's history

(Newser) - Prime Minister Leo Varadkar issued an official apology Wednesday on behalf of his country for "another dark chapter" in Ireland's history. The New York Times reports at least 126 children adopted there between 1946 and 1969 were told their adoptive parents were their birth parents, complete with altered...

Irish Abortion Vote Is a Landslide
Abortion Vote in Ireland
Is a Landslide

Abortion Vote in Ireland Is a Landslide

Pro-choice side wins by two-to-one margin

(Newser) - Irish voters cleared the way for abortions to be legal in their country for the first time by repealing a constitutional ban on the procedure and authorizing legislators to reflect the popular will by giving pregnant women a choice, results from a landmark referendum showed Saturday. Voters in Friday's...

Exit Poll Suggests Ireland on Brink of Historic Shift

Voters look poised to lift the nation's strict ban on abortion

(Newser) - Ireland's referendum Friday represented more than a vote on whether to end the country's strict abortion ban. It was a battle for the very soul of a traditionally conservative Roman Catholic nation that has seen a wave of liberalization in recent years. An Irish Times exit poll released...

Irish Expats Fly Home for 'Once in a Generation' Vote

Near-total ban on abortion could be repealed in Friday vote

(Newser) - A big change could be in store for what's considered Europe's most restrictive nation on abortion. The Irish people are voting Friday in a referendum that could see the removal of a near-total constitutional ban on abortion, enacted by another referendum 35 years ago with support from the...

In Ireland, Good Friday Brings 91-Year First

Pubs can sell booze for first time since 1927

(Newser) - For the first time in 91 years, thirsty Irish folk can get a pint in a pub on Good Friday. Since 1927, a law has required bars to keep closed on the holiday, which has traditionally seen drinkers gather in homes or on booze-selling trains. In January, however, Ireland's...

Change May Be in Store for Europe's Strictest Nation on Abortion

Irish referendum could see abortion ban repealed

(Newser) - Irish women are having abortions regardless of a near-total constitutional ban on terminating pregnancies, the country's health minister said Tuesday in defense of a planned referendum that will ask voters whether the amendment that bars abortion in almost all cases should be repealed. Health Minister Simon Harris said on...

Irish Border Problem Holds Up Brexit Talks

Deal slips away after talks in Brussels

(Newser) - The European Union and Britain ended a flurry of top-level diplomacy on Monday without a deal on the terms of their divorce, as agreement on how to maintain an open Irish border after Brexit slipped out of the negotiators' grasp, the AP reports. British Prime Minister Theresa May went to...

Groom Dies on Honeymoon: &#39;I Turned and Andrew Was Gone&#39;
Groom Dies on Honeymoon: 
'He Just Dropped in the Water'

Groom Dies on Honeymoon: 'He Just Dropped in the Water'

Gill Campion left devastated in the Maldives after Andrew Roddy died while snorkeling

(Newser) - A mystery-turned-tragedy in the Maldives, with a newly married Irish man dead and his bride plunged into a "nightmare." People reports that Andrew Roddy, 30, had been snorkeling in the Indian Ocean on Tuesday while on his honeymoon with Gill Campion, two weeks after their wedding. The two...

Worst Storm in 50 Years Kills 3 in Ireland

Hurricane Ophelia's remnants still dangerous

(Newser) - The remnants of Hurricane Ophelia slammed into Ireland with wind gusts of up to 80mph on Monday, killing at least three people, grounding planes, shutting schools, and causing widespread power outages. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar urged people to stay indoors until the storm passed. Tens of thousands of homes...

Can Microsoft Defy Feds? Supreme Court to Weigh In

Company won't turn over emails held on server overseas

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is intervening in a digital-age privacy dispute between the Trump administration and Microsoft over emails stored abroad, per the AP . The justices said Monday they'll hear the administration's appeal of a lower court ruling in favor of Microsoft. The court held that the emails sought...

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