Electronic Benefit Transfer card

2 Stories

Callers to Maine EBT Number Get Sex Hotline Instead

Typo on EBT cards gives new meaning to 'friends with benefits'

(Newser) - Maine's slogan is "The Way Life Should Be," but that probably wasn't meant to suggest that residents calling to check the balance of their state-sponsored benefits would be better off being patched through to a sex hotline instead. That's how some locals were redirected when...

Glitch Torpedoes Food Stamps in 17 States

Xerox said it had restored service by last night

(Newser) - You might think that the nation's food stamps program finds its biggest threat in the House of Representatives , but yesterday it was an innocent test of a backup system that felled the system in 17 states, including Ohio and Michigan. The system failure that began yesterday morning took out...

2 Stories