Sarah Thistlethwaite

2 Stories

'Mono Mono' Twins Make Great Strides

Jenna and Jillian gaining weight, could be home for Father's Day

(Newser) - A rare set of "mono mono" twins—who shared an amniotic sac and placenta— were born just before Mother's Day; now they may be set to leave the hospital in time for Father's Day. Though they needed breathing assistance after their birth at 33 weeks, Jenna and...

Mom Births Rare 'Mono Mono Twins'

As Akron hospital gets ready to deliver second set next week

(Newser) - Sarah Thistlethwaite was once told she wouldn't have children; just in time for Mother's Day, the Ohio woman delivered twin girls in a rare kind of pregnancy that happens about once in 10,000 births, or in, at most, 5% of all twins. As News Net 5 reports,...

2 Stories