
3 Stories

Firstborn Kids Have Higher IQs by Age 1
Advantage for Firstborn
Kids Shows Up Early
new study

Advantage for Firstborn Kids Shows Up Early

They have higher IQs by age 1, say researchers

(Newser) - Firstborns really do have an advantage, a new UK study suggests. Research out of Edinburgh University finds that there's a measurable IQ difference between firstborns and their siblings, and it shows up as early as age 1, reports the BBC . The reason? Parents tend to spend more time with...

Firstborns Have Higher IQs —but There's a Catch
Firstborns Have Higher IQs
—but There's a Catch

Firstborns Have Higher IQs —but There's a Catch

It's a difference of just one IQ point on average: study

(Newser) - Firstborns, get ready to throw this in your siblings' faces: A massive study of 377,000 high school students—the "biggest in history looking at birth order and personality," author Brent Roberts says—shows those born first tend to have higher IQs and different personality traits compared to...

Brits Unwittingly Give Up Firstborns for Free WiFi

Security experiment uses 'Herod clause' to show vulnerabilities in public hot spots

(Newser) - What would you give for free WiFi? A handful of Londoners would apparently sacrifice their oldest child, according to F-Secure, a security firm that set up a public hot spot in June as part of an experiment to show how insecure public WiFi is, the Guardian reports. While connecting to...

3 Stories