
4 Stories

Kids Get 'Werewolf Syndrome' After Drug Plant Mix-Up

Stomach medicine was contaminated with hair growth drug

(Newser) - Parents in Spain have been relieved to discover that the "werewolf syndrome" affecting their children is reversible—and has nothing do to with the full moon. Authorities say that a mix-up at a drug company led to parents giving their children minoxidil, a drug used to treat hair loss,...

Argentina President Adopts Jewish 'Werewolf'

Move keeps country safe from 'el Lobizon'

(Newser) - Argentina's president has a new godson and the country remains safe from ravenous, flesh-eating mythical beings. According to folklore, a family's seventh son in a row turns into a werewolf-like creature called a "Lobizon" on his 13th birthday and feasts on the flesh of unbaptized babies and...

Zombies Have Come to Save the Day
Zombies Have Come to Save the Day

Zombies Have Come to Save the Day

Move over, vampires: The undead are monsters for our times

(Newser) - In the echelon of monsters, zombies can’t get no respect. They’re not hip like werewolves or suave like vampires. Yet the undead are staging a comeback, Lev Grosman writes in Time. Woody Harrelson is starring in a zom-com, Juno’s screenwriter is producing a new zombie flick, and...

Full Moon Injuries Just a Myth: Scientists

Austrian researchers miss chance to weigh in on werewolves

(Newser) - Another of life's mysteries has been cleared up—a crack team of scientists has found no link between accidents and the full moon. Experts analyzed 500,000 industrial accidents to arrive at the myth-busting conclusion, the AP reports. Says an Austrian government astronomer, "The full moon does not unfavorably...

4 Stories