Jean Claude Van Damme

5 Stories

9 Stars Balancing Bipolar Disorder and Fame

Catherine Zeta-Jones calls it 'intense'

(Newser) - Catherine Zeta-Jones recently opened up about her struggle with bipolar disorder , telling InStyle, "It's been an intense time, in good ways and bad." She says she wants to "help remove any stigma attached" to the disorder, and let people know that there are ways to treat...

5 Secret Celebrity Affairs
 5 Secret Celebrity Affairs 

5 Secret Celebrity Affairs

Kirstie Alley revealed 2 just this week

(Newser) - Blindsided by the fact that Kirstie Alley apparently had emotional affairs with both Patrick Swayze and John Travolta ? The Huffington Post lists five more celebrity romances that flew surprisingly under the radar:
  • Jermaine Jackson (we're sorry, Jacksun ) reportedly had an affair with Whitney Houston in the 1980s.

Celebs Slammed for Partying With Chechen Prez

Human Rights Watch wants them to give money back

(Newser) - Note to celebrities: We know swanky multimillion-dollar parties are probably fun and you get paid a lot to attend them, but it's probably best to skip those held in honor of political leaders accused of kidnappings, torture, and extrajudicial killings. Hilary Swank and Jean Claude Van Damme did not...

2010: Worst Year Yet for Movies
 2010: Worst Year Yet for Movies 

2010: Worst Year Yet for Movies

Really? 'Hot Tub Time Machine' is the best we can do?

(Newser) - “2010 very possibly is the worst year in the history of motion pictures,” declares Joe Queenan in a hilarious Wall Street Journal piece bemoaning the downfall of American cinema. You know things are bad in Hollywood when:
  • “Shia LaBeouf—who looks a bit like the young George

Bullfighting Dustup Has France on Guard

Government bans violent protest ad but lets festivals continue

(Newser) - Animal activists and bullfighting fans in France are butting heads over an anti-bullfighting ad that shows bulls being speared and slaughtered. The French government banned the ad as too violent, prompting cries of hypocrisy from a well organized group of celebrities and dignitaries who have been protesting the gruesome "...

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