confirmation hearings

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Hey GOP: 'White Male' Is an Identity, Too

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation is in the bag, but this week's hearings have a real value, writes Eugene Robinson: They are exposing the Republican Party's "refusal to accept the basic principle of diversity." For the Washington Post columnist, the anger surrounding the judge's "wise Latina" remark rests...

'Jane Roe' Arrested After Ruckus at Sotomayor Hearing

'You're wrong, Sotomayor,' plaintiff-turned-anti-abortion-activist screams

(Newser) - Norma McCorvey, better known as “Jane Roe” from the landmark abortion-rights case Roe v. Wade, was arrested today after causing a ruckus at Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearing, ABC News reports. McCorvey was removed from the Hart Senate Office Building and charged with unlawful conduct after she began to...

GOP Attacks on 'Empathy' During Hearings' First Day

Republicans stake out a position against judicial 'empathy'

(Newser) - With Republicans unlikely to be able to block Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation, it seems they’ve settled for drawing a stark contrast between President Obama’s philosophy of law and their own, writes Andrew Cohen for CBS News. During statements today, GOP senators repeatedly attacked Obama’s comments that “...

Senators Duke It Out at Sotomayor Hearing

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor has wrapped up the first session of what promises to be a successful but contentious confirmation process. Patrick Leahy opened today's hearing by expressing hope Sotomayor would be spared racial attacks. “She has been a judge for all Americans,” the Senate Judiciary Committee chair said. “...

Six Things to Watch at Sotomayor Hearings
 Six Things to Watch 
 at Sotomayor Hearings 

Six Things to Watch at Sotomayor Hearings

(Newser) - The White House is working hard to ensure an easy confirmation for Sonia Sotomayor, with John Roberts' perfect-10 testimony as a model. Will she sail through? Politico lists six things to watch.
  1. That 'wise Latina' remark. Republicans are obsessed with it, and she needs to explain it without sounding phony.

Both Parties Will Use Sotomayor to Push Agendas

Parties hope to inspire support through questioning

(Newser) - Nobody expects Sonia Sotomayor to have serious trouble winning confirmation to the Supreme Court; the hearings that start today will be battles for American hearts and minds, with both parties seeing them as an opportunity to position themselves on key issues, the Washington Post reports. Aiming to ignite their base,...

62% Want Sotomayor on Court: Poll

Nominee's politics 'about right'

(Newser) - Some 62% of Americans want Sonia Sotomayor confirmed to the high court, with 55% saying her place in the political spectrum is "about right," the Washington Post reports. Her numbers, however, vary on partisan lines: About eight in 10 Dems and two-thirds of independents want her on the...

GOP to Target Sotomayor With Gun Questions

Ruling in favor of gun control laws could rankle red state Dems

(Newser) - Republicans, who've failed to get traction in opposing Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court, finally think they have an issue that might stick: gun control. When the high court struck down Washington’s tough gun control laws as unconstitutional, many wondered if the ruling applied to state laws as...

Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings Start July 13

Senate judiciary chair: it's a 'reasonable schedule'

(Newser) - Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor will convene on July 13, says the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman. Patrick Leahy said the date represents a "reasonable schedule" that would give committee members several more weeks to prepare. President Obama has urged the Senate to vote before it leaves...

Sotomayor Also Made 'Wise Woman' Comment in '94
Sotomayor Also Made 'Wise Woman' Comment in '94

Sotomayor Also Made 'Wise Woman' Comment in '94

(Newser) - A new wrinkle in the flap over Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment: The Supreme Court nominee said almost exactly the same thing in 1994, reports Greg Sargent on Plum Line. Senators had a copy of the speech but made no mention of it when they confirmed her in...

Limbaugh May Back Sotomayor After All

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is willing to back Sonia Sotomayor if her nomination to the Supreme Court offers even the “opportunity” of overturning Roe v. Wade, Politico reports. Limbaugh noted today on his radio show that Sotomayor “doesn't have a clear record on abortion” and is a Catholic. “I...

Sotomayor Will Likely Get Some GOP Votes
Sotomayor Will Likely Get Some GOP Votes

Sotomayor Will Likely Get Some GOP Votes

Limbaugh, Gingrich posturing belies thin Senate opposition

(Newser) - Despite loud opposition from the likes of Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh, many Republican senators may vote for Sonia Sotomayor, the New York Times reports. Strategists on both sides suspect that at least a third of the upper house’s 40 Republicans will back the Supreme Court nominee, including the...

Sotomayor Lax in the Voting Department

Erratic record in state elections may arise in confirmation hearings

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor isn't much of a voter. She skipped multiple New York elections in the past decade, including three for state supreme court, reports NY1. The 2nd Circuit appeals judge failed to vote for governor in 2002 and 2006, and for court positions in 1995, 1999, and 2007. Sotomayor is...

Noonan: Time for Republicans to Grow Up
Noonan: Time for Republicans to Grow Up

Noonan: Time for Republicans to Grow Up

Sotomayor hearings a time for debate, not attacks by 'idiots'

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings are coming up, and Peggy Noonan has some advice for Republicans: play grown-up. “Some, and they are idiots, look at Judge Sotomayor and say: attack, attack, kill,” she writes in the Wall Street Journal. One told her the fight would excite the base....

Obama Loses 'Empathy' Line After GOP Sullies Phrase

(Newser) - “Empathy” was a key part of President Obama’s vocabulary when he first started talking about his Supreme Court nominee, Sheryl Gay Stolberg writes in the New York Times, but the word has disappeared. “Conservatives have hijacked empathy and turned it into an epithet,” Stolberg writes. When...

Sotomayor Aced 2 Previous Senate Hearings

Tough questioning from GOP didn't faze court nominee

(Newser) - Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are still debating how tough they'll be at Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation hearing, but as the Washington Post reports, the Supreme Court nominee doesn't buckle under pressure. In the long-delayed 1997 hearing that elevated her to the Second Circuit, Sotomayor survived a GOP grilling on...

Attacking Nominees Demeans Court
 Demeans Court 

Attacking Nominees Demeans Court

(Newser) - The political attack ads popular in general elections have a profoundly negative effect on the public’s view of the Supreme Court when used during the nomination process, James L. Gibson writes fror “Politicized confirmation processes can indeed damage the institution of the US Supreme Court itself,...

What They'll Say to Fight Sotomayor
What They'll
Say to Fight Sotomayor

What They'll Say to Fight Sotomayor

Critics call nominee racially insensitive, lacking intellect

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor’s opponents are already polishing their script, Politico reports. They’ll call her radical, racist, and stupid—albeit via softer buzzwords. She’s a “judicial activist” fond of “identity politics,” with a questionable “intellect.” Here are the charges against her:
  • She lacks “

Obama: Court Pick Will Go Beyond 'Ivory Tower' Smarts

(Newser) - President Obama said today he would be announcing his nominee to the Supreme Court “soon” and hopes to have the new justice confirmed by Congress’ August recess, Bloomberg reports. In a C-SPAN interview, Obama laid out his criteria, which includes not only “ivory tower learning” but also empathy....

GOP Must Get Revenge in High Court Hearings
GOP Must Get Revenge in High Court Hearings

GOP Must Get Revenge in High Court Hearings

Democrats changed the rules by opposing Roberts, Alito

(Newser) - When Democrats waged an ideological war on the Supreme Court nominations of conservatives John Roberts and Samuel Alito, they set a dangerous precedent that should boomerang on whoever President Obama selects, says the Bush official in charge of those confirmations. Previously, the Senate graciously ushered through anyone with sufficient intellect,...

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