
Stories 41 - 59 | << Prev 

On Fox, Beck Profits With Doomsday Scenarios

New pundit's ratings up in Obama admin

(Newser) - On Fox News, Glenn Beck is pushing the apocalypse—and it’s working out nicely for him, the Los Angeles Times reports. Beck’s new show averaged 2.2 million viewers during February, double the number attracted by the time slot last year. Why does Beck think the Obama administration...

Money Guru: None of Us Really Knows What to Do
Money Guru: None of Us Really Knows What to Do

Money Guru: None of Us Really Knows What to Do

Pundits should hedge their bets and speak with caution

(Newser) - Financial pundits don’t know everything, and don't trust those who act like they do, Joel Lovell writes in the Washington Post. The GQ money expert acknowledges anxiety over dispensing information that may not be true at all. “It makes me feel like a bit of a fraud,”...

Specter Tells Ingraham to 'Get Off It'

(Newser) - Arlen Specter got into an on-air tiff with Laura Ingraham yesterday, when the conservative talk show host said the Republican senator must have been “wined and dined at the White House,” because he supported the stimulus package. “Oh, get off it, Laura,” a piqued Specter replied....

Watch Out, Today— Coulter's Torqued

Author slams show for bumping her

(Newser) - Ann Coulter has resumed her rightful place on the warpath, reports TVNewser, and this time hell hath no fury like the conservative pundit NBC scorned. Bumped from promoting her book on NBC's Today show, Coulter promptly went on Hannity & Colmes to denounce the diss as “a set-up...

Maddow's Success Defies TV's Formula
 Maddow's Success 
 Defies TV's Formula 

Maddow's Success Defies TV's Formula

MSNBC's unlikely hit powered by brains, drive

(Newser) - Rachel Maddow is an unlikely cable-news pundit: butch lesbian, holder of a doctorate from Oxford, erstwhile drive-time radio sidekick. But her MSNBC show, launched in September, has been wildly successful, not least because of her good humor and outsider credentials. She plays well with Pat Buchanan, and still snags a...

Pundits' 7 Worst Campaign Blunders

Missed calls, poor predictions

(Newser) - Pundits make mistakes. And Salon has tallied the biggest whoppers of the presidential campaign:
  1. The “Palin bounce”—It fizzled and the Alaska governor has the highest negative approval ratings of a VP candidate in history.
  2. “Sergeant” Schmidt will right the USS McCain—Steve Schmidt’s strategy of

GOP Intellectuals Jump Mac's Ship, Leaving Wingnuts

Columnist's schadenfreude turns to dread over the new face of the party

(Newser) - It’s been a fun time for liberals, writes Rosa Brooks in the LA Times. Though initially worried about the boost Sarah Palin gave to John McCain’s polling numbers, Dems were then treated to the defections of some of the GOP’s brightest thinkers. Columnists David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer,...

Limbaugh Lashes Out at Anti-Palin Pundit
Limbaugh Lashes Out at Anti-Palin Pundit

Limbaugh Lashes Out at Anti-Palin Pundit

'Wimp' columnist climbs into the mud with 'pig' radio host

(Newser) - Going so far as to call him a “pig,” Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell has launched a full-on war of words with Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh called Mitchell a "racist nutball" and ridiculed her and other “drive-by journalists” for saying Sarah Palin and John McCain should...

Maddow, Set for MSNBC Debut, Aims to Avoid 'Homogenized'

Lefty has own ideas for mainstream medium

(Newser) - Rachel Maddow’s own show debuts at 9 EDT tonight on MSNBC, but the liberal pundit doesn’t sound so much excited as worried. TV has “homogenizing tendencies,” she tells the Boston Globe. “It’s like being put through a meat grinder.” But worried or not,...

Why Liberals Like Joe Scarborough

Conservative pundit takes relaxed, questioning attitude on new morning show

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough was a conservative Republican congressman who gained office in the 1994 House sweep that launched Newt Gingrich. His MSNBC show Scarborough Country was initially devised as a like-minded answer to Bill O’Reilly. But, as Mark Binelli puts it in New York magazine, "Scarborough never quite mastered...

Cable Guys Won't Likely Fill Russert's Seat

Execs don't want pundits messing with 'pristine' NBC News

(Newser) - Early word on Tim Russert's Meet the Press successor focused on in-house candidates, like Chris Matthews, David Gregory, or Joe Scarborough. But one insider now tells Variety that there’s “no way” a cable personality will land the gig. NBC’s broadcast division would rather stay “pristine”—...

Clinton Campaigns Against the Media

New message attacks pundits, not Obama

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign’s new chief target is the media that’s left it for dead, Politico reports. Hillary Clinton’s speeches, ads, and discussions with supporters and superdelegates now focus on what she considers the pundits’ premature verdict that Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee. Her camp hopes...

Rove: From Politics to Punditry
 Rove: From Politics to Punditry

Rove: From Politics to Punditry

News networks picking up commentators with party connections

(Newser) - To stoke interest in cutthroat election coverage, cable news networks and other outlets are recruiting political strategists with credentials and big-time party connections, the New York Times reports. One of the newest pundits? None other than Karl Rove, now an analyst for Fox News and contributor to Newsweek and the ...

Olbermann Rips Clinton Over Ferraro Flap

'Iconic' pundit blasts hopeful for not rebuking adviser

(Newser) - If Keith Olbermann is the Rush Limbaugh of the left—as Chris Cillizza observes in his Washington Post Fix blog—Hillary Clinton couldn’t have been happy when Olbermann blasted her Wednesday night over the recent Geraldine Ferraro flap. “You are now campaigning as if Barack Obama were the...

Cautious TV Wins Super Tuesday
Cautious TV Wins Super Tuesday

Cautious TV Wins Super Tuesday

Chastened by mistakes on New Hampshire, 2004, stations stay calm

(Newser) - It was a chastened, circumspect TV news machine that creaked into action last night, the New York Times reports. After trusting ultimately incorrect polls in New Hampshire, pundits seemed terrified of making bold calls—a strategy that worked out, since the primary bonanza settled nothing. The biggest gaffe came from...

What Does NH Mean for GOP?
What Does NH Mean for GOP?

What Does NH Mean for GOP?

Pundits discuss where the candidates stand the day after

(Newser) - As candidates close up shop in New England, the chattering classes look to the state of the race. Here are four takes on the Republican outcome in New Hampshire:
  • Wall Street Journal editors give John McCain credit “for sheer doggedness,” saying the Iraq surge’s success gave him

4 Takes on the Clinton Win
4 Takes on the Clinton Win

4 Takes on the Clinton Win

Ink barely dry on NH results, scribes start in on meaning

(Newser) - What's the take on the Clinton upset, the morning after? Four responses from across the spectrum:
  • Obama-supporting rightie Andrew Sullivan says a media pile-on on Hillary Clinton sparked “voter backlash.” He’s partly “crushed,” but also excited that the candidates will now fight “a long

Pundits Pile Up Predictions
Pundits Pile Up Predictions

Pundits Pile Up Predictions

Josh Marshall, John O'Sullivan, Frank Foer, and Andrew Sullivan have a few ideas

(Newser) - And they’re off! Not just the candidates, but also the pundits. Here’s an early roundup of what four, from both sides of the aisle, say:
  • Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall says Mitt Romney’s trouncing makes John McCain the GOP nominee. Marshall’s not happy about that—

Gurus Rack Up Ratings With Love and Hate

Who is America's most-watched pundit? Not the politico that most might think

(Newser) - Pundits—political and cultural commentators with big opinions—are today's media darlings and Nielsen lightning rods.  Forbes picks the loudest, most volatile and incendiary, i.e.: the ones we love to watch:
  1. Roger Ebert
  2. Bill Maher
  3. Bill O'Reilly

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