
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Syria Remains Key for Foreign Fighters in Iraq: US

90% of Iraq's foreign fighters come across neighbor's borders, new report contends

(Newser) - Syria is a key jumping-off point for foreign militants in Iraq, with 90% entering through the Syrian border, the Pentagon reported yesterday. “It is not clear that Syria has made a strategic decision to deal with foreign terrorists using Syria as a transit point,” the report notes. Meanwhile,...

Nigerian Rebels Seek Help From Clooney

Militants offer invite after UN names him 'messenger of peace'

(Newser) - Nigeria’s top rebel group urged George Clooney to come heal their war-torn land today, the AP reports. The militants, who often pressure officials by blowing up oil pipelines, promised to work with Clooney “and other credible peace makers" to cool off fighting in Nigeria. Clooney gave no immediate...

CIA Chief Names Groups Behind Bhutto Assassination

Pakistani militants, al-Qaeda blamed

(Newser) - The CIA director blames a cooperative effort by al-Qaeda and a group of Pakistani militants for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the Washington Post reports. The conclusion jibes with the explanation Pervez Musharraf has offered, though some Pakistanis still suspect the president and his government had a hand in the...

US Lets Cuban Terror Slide in Florida

5 anti-Castro groups planning coup get free ride from FBI

(Newser) - At least five anti-Castro paramilitary groups are operating on US soil, planning to overthrow the Cuban regime—and getting a free ride from Washington despite bolstered anti-terrorist laws that would back a crackdown. Holed up in Florida training camps, the Cuban exiles have been linked to commando raids, hotel bombings,...

Thousands Rally in Gaza
Thousands Rally in Gaza

Thousands Rally in Gaza

Police kill West Bank protester; Israel guns down three in other incidents

(Newser) - Massive crowds demonstrated in Gaza today, condemning the Annapolis conference and chanting "Death to America!" Hamas leaders told tens of thousands of supporters that the peace summit was "doomed to failure" and vowed that "whoever thinks we will recognize a Jewish state are deluding themselves."...

Court Bombings Kill 13 in India
Court Bombings Kill 13 in India

Court Bombings Kill 13 in India

Suspected terror blasts injure dozens more

(Newser) - Several coordinated bombings outside courthouses in northern India today killed at least 13 and injured dozens more, Reuters reports. The bombings took place in India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, and most of the casualties were lawyers. The government blamed terrororists trying to incite violence between Hindus and Muslims, but...

US Probes Hemorrhage of Yank Arms in Iraq 'Bazaar'

190,000 guns gone as arms sold 'by truckload'

(Newser) - An Iraqi businessman charged with distributing American guns to Iraqi policemen turned the cache into a personal arms bazaar in 2004-2005, selling massive amounts of weapons to foreign security guards, Iraqi militias and US contractors, reports the New York Times. “This was the craziest thing in the world,”...

Pakistani Cleric Calls Ceasefire
Pakistani Cleric Calls Ceasefire

Pakistani Cleric Calls Ceasefire

Dozens killed in clashes with government troops, helicopters

(Newser) - Supporters of an extremist cleric who had declared a jihad against Pakistan agreed to a ceasefire today after fierce fighting this weekend claimed between 50 and 60 of their number, Al Jazeera reports. Pakistan had sent 2,500 paramilitary troops to Swat to head off Maulana Fazlullah, who wants to...

US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll
US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll

US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll

Record number of fatalitles linked to EFP attacks

(Newser) - A sophisticated bomb that the US military has tracked to Iran was used in a record number of attacks on American-led troops last month, the New York Times reports. The  bombs—called explosively formed penetrators—fire  a semi-molten copper slug that can break through the armor of a Humvee. They...

Iran ID’ed Working With Iraq Militants

US arrests Hezbollah go-between in Iraq; cites training camps in Iran

(Newser) - The US military has accused Iran’s Revolutionary Guard of aiding Iraqi militants in a devastating January attack and of using Hezbollah as a go-between to arm violent Shiites in that country. In March coalition forces arrested a Hezbollah operative suspected of liaising between Iran and a group led by...

Israel Takes Fight to Gaza
Israel Takes Fight to Gaza

Israel Takes Fight to Gaza

Four Palestinians dead after Israeli tanks and planes battle enter chaotic strip

(Newser) - Israeli aircraft and tanks attacked locations in Gaza today, killing four militants in their first assault on the strip since Hamas took over. An Israeli aerial strike targeted two rocket launchers in northern Gaza as tanks moved into southern Gaza, sparking a shootout that produced the four casualties.

Militant Website Says It Has Video of Troop Abduction

Two GIs remain missing after ambush in Iraq

(Newser) - A militant Islamic website says it will release a video showing the capture last month of three American soldiers. The video shows the kidnapping as well as the ID cards of the two soldiers who are still missing, says an organization that monitors militant websites. The third soldier was later...

Abductors Release Video of Kidnapped BBC Reporter

Journalist in captivity since March 12

(Newser) - In a video posted on the Internet today, a captured BBC reporter says he is in good health and has been well treated. It is unclear when the footage of a beleaguered-looking Alan Johnston, who was kidnapped in Gaza City March 12, was taken. Toward the end of the footage,...

Turkey Menaces Kurds
Turkey Menaces Kurds

Turkey Menaces Kurds

Buildup along border makes U.S., Iraq nervous

(Newser) - Turkish troops and tanks amassing along the border with Iraq are ready to go after Kurdish separatist guerrillas as soon as they get the order, the country's top general said yesterday. The US, Iraq and the EU are all urging Turkey not to launch the offensive, which could destabilize Northern...

US Rushes to Aid Lebanon
US Rushes to
Aid Lebanon

US Rushes to Aid Lebanon

Troops surround refugee camp, prepare siege or incursion to rout out militants

(Newser) - The US has rushed military aid to Beruit, as the Lebanese army continues to battle Islamist militants holed up in a Palestinian refugee camp. The first shipment arrived today. Condoleeza Rice expressed support for Lebanon's government, if not confidence: "I certainly hope that the Lebanese government will be able...

More Violence Looms in Lebanon
More Violence Looms in Lebanon

More Violence Looms in Lebanon

Palestinians enraged at Lebanese troops threaten uprising

(Newser) - Clashes between the Lebanese Army and a Palestinian militant group could spread throughout Lebanon, politicians, diplomats and refugees tell the Guardian. Anger is building among Palestinians  over civilian casualties from shelling of the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp during clashes with Fatah al-Islam militants last week.

Bombing Rocks Turkish Capital
Bombing Rocks Turkish Capital

Bombing Rocks Turkish Capital

Ankara attack may prompt move against Kurdish militants on Iraqi border

(Newser) - An explosion shocked the Turkish capital yesterday, killing six and injuring at least 100 in a busy marketplace. The bombing comes at a delicate time for the country, the New York Times observes, as Parliament clash with the governing party over the place of Islam in the secular democracy.

Taliban Video Shows Young Boy Beheading Prisoner

Preteen appears to execute Pakistani militant; international outcry follows

(Newser) - International outrage is building over a Taliban video in which a preteen boy appears to behead a prisoner. The Guardian reports that the boy, who "appears no older than 12," denounces the man, a Pakistani militant, as an "American spy" in a high-pitched voice before apparently using...

Mosque Raid Ignites Baghdad Battle
Mosque Raid Ignites Baghdad Battle

Mosque Raid Ignites Baghdad Battle

Residents backed militants in Sunni stronghold

(Newser) - Iraqi soldiers who raided a Baghdad mosque during worship set off an all-day battle yesterday the New York Times calls the most sustained fighting since the start of the new security plan. US troops and Iraqi soldiers fought Sunni militants joined by residents in the largely Sunni Ineighborhood of Fadhil.

Tribesmen Turn on Al-Qaeda
Tribesmen Turn on Al-Qaeda

Tribesmen Turn on Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Fifty people, including a group of children stranded aboard a school bus, have been killed in fighting between al-Qaeda terrorists and local tribesmen in one of Pakistan’s lawless regions on the border with Afghanistan. Taliban leaders, who have ties to both groups, are trying to broker a truce, according...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>