Seven Deadly Sins

4 Stories

Pope Warns Against the 'Demon of Lust'

But he says sexual pleasure is a 'gift from God'

(Newser) - Pope Francis has been delivering weekly sermons on the seven deadly sins. Last week, he addressed gluttony—and this week, it was the turn of what he described as the "demon of lust." In his Vatican address Wednesday, Francis said sexual pleasure is a "gift from God"...

The Greediest, Angriest, Most Jealous States in America

WalletHub takes note of our sins and ranks us

(Newser) - The first day of Lent is Wednesday, and for Christians who follow the observance, it's often a time to give up a bad habit for the six weeks that follow. That may be harder for people in some parts of the country, per WalletHub , which has ranked US states...

The Seven Deadly Sins of Prejean's Speech

(Newser) - For some reason, people are still listening to Carrie Prejean. The Value Voters Summit even had her give a speech recently (see video). But Prejean made a few mistakes, or sins if you like, writes Oliver Miller for
  • Pride: “You know who doesn’t feel the need

7 Deadly Sins? Try These On for Size
7 Deadly Sins? Try These On
for Size

7 Deadly Sins? Try These On for Size

PJ O'Rourke disagrees with Vatican, comes up with his own no-nos

(Newser) - The Vatican has released a list of seven new Deadly Sins, and satirist-curmudgeon PJ O’Rourke isn’t impressed. Writing in the Weekly Standard, O’Rourke details the updated catalogue, which includes “morally debatable experimentation,” “social inequality and injustice,” and “genetic manipulation.” Finding it...

4 Stories