President Obama speech

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Fox News Ditches Obama Speech Suicide Story

Piece implied link between student death, deficit chat

(Newser) - Fox News has wiped from its website a report on a George Washington University student's suicide whose timing may have coincided with President Obama’s speech on the school's campus—and that seemed to suggest the two events were linked. "GWU officials tell Fox that police were...

Obama: Kiss Bush Tax Cuts for Rich Goodbye

Obama lambastes Ryan budget, proposes $4T in deficit reduction

(Newser) - President Obama was in fighting form today in his speech on the deficit, lambasting Paul Ryan’s budget proposal , and insisting on higher taxes for the wealthy. He laid much of the current deficit problem at the feet of the Bush tax cuts, and pledged to eliminate them. “We...

What Obama Will —and Should— Say in His Budget Speech

Some advice for the POTUS ahead of today's address

(Newser) - Here’s what we know about President Obama’s budget speech today: He’s going to lay out a four-step, long-term budget-reduction plan. It’s going to involve defense cuts, tax code changes, and recommendations from his deficit commission. And he’s going to stress keeping domestic spending low and...

Obama's Speech Ratings Keep Dropping

...and dropping ... and dropping

(Newser) - Obama just isn't reeling them in like he used to: It turns out 25.6 million of us tuned in to Obama's Libya speech on Monday night. That's down 12% from his August 2010 Iraq speech, whose 29.2 million viewers were down 9% from his speech in June of...

Obama: 'We Intervened to Stop a Massacre'

President defends decision to intervene in Libya

(Newser) - President Obama made his case for the American intervention in Libya tonight at the National Defense University, reports Politico, citing the perfect storm of international support, Libyan rebels' pleas, the United States' ability to avoid committing ground troops—and its obligation to prevent genocide. Some highlights:
  • On his decision: Obama

Tucson Speech Proves Obama's Back
Tucson Speech
Proves Obama's Back
OPINION roundup

Tucson Speech Proves Obama's Back

Most agree his memorial speech was brilliant

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech yesterday was, by most accounts, a smash success. A few takes:
  • “We’ve been complaining for two years about the lack of music and passion in his big speeches. But if he’d moved the country when he was talking about health care or bailing

Right Should Cheer Obama's India Speech

It 'defended free trade, free markets, and free society,' writes Bret Stephens

(Newser) - It may “shock and dismay” his most faithful readers, but conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens has to hand it to President Obama: He “gave a terrific speech yesterday to India’s parliament, perhaps the best of his presidency, and potentially a true compass for the rest...

Obama to UN: Give India Seat on Security Council

Trip drives $14.9B in trade deals, 50K US jobs

(Newser) - In a key diplomatic move, President Obama called for a permanent seat for India on the UN Security Council today. In a speech to the country’s Parliament, Obama fulfilled the country’s top wish for his visit, the AP reports, though it does not mean that India will join...

Hawks Should Applaud Iraq Speech
 Hawks Should Applaud 
 Iraq Speech 
William Kristol

Hawks Should Applaud Iraq Speech

The president showed respect for a war he opposed

(Newser) - Even the staunchest Iraq war supporters had to be happy with the speech Barack Obama delivered last night to mark the end of combat operations, writes William Kristol of the Weekly Standard . “President Obama opposed the war in Iraq. He still thinks it was a mistake,” he reasons....

O&rsquo;Reilly Slams 'Boring Prof' Obama on Iraq

 Iraq Speech: 
 O’Reilly Slams 
 'Boring Prof' 

Iraq Speech: O’Reilly Slams 'Boring Prof'

Pundits underwhelmed by 'grim' war-end speech

(Newser) - The verdicts are in on President Obama's Oval Office address to mark the end of major US combat operations in Iraq, and he apparently didn't please many people.
  • The president just wasn't entertaining enough for Bill O'Reilly. The president seemed like a "boring professor," the O'Reilly Factor host

Dave's Latest Top 10 Target: Oval Office Speeches

Iraq speech gets a little funnier in Letterman's hands

(Newser) - You might have heard about a certain speech given by our president last night. So did David Letterman, who offered up a Top 10 list on last night’s Late Show of “Things Never Before Said in an Oval Office Address.” No. 10: “Gotta keep this short...

Colbert Turns Obama Speech Into Kids' Book

 Colbert Turns 
 Obama Speech 
 Into Kids' 
'see spot spread'

Colbert Turns Obama Speech Into Kids' Book

Goes from 10th-grade-level to kindergarten-level

(Newser) - If you found yourself struggling to understand President Obama’s 10th-grade-level oil spill speech, Stephen Colbert is here to help you out. “Mr. President, your flowery verbiage is opaque and perplexing,” he said last night on the Report . “I’m sorry, I meant to say, your talky...

Obama Gulf Speech 'Too Professorial'

10th-grade level speech too high for target audience, language guru says

(Newser) - President Obama's Oval Office address on the Gulf disaster was a misfire because it went over the heads of much of its target audience, according to language guru Paul Payack. Obama's sentences were too long and complex, making him sound aloof, out of touch, and professorial, said Payack, whose company...

Obama Unleashes Fiery Health Care Speech

Says insurance companies will raise rates 'as long as they can'

(Newser) - Barack Obama got downright fiery today, in a speech on health care at Arcadia University in Pennsylvania, lambasting insurance companies for their ever-higher premiums. “They will keep doing this for as long as they can get away with it,” he said. “How many more Americans have to...

State of the President: 'Tough, Undaunted'

'Fire-breathing' Obama was impressive, writes Tom Shales

(Newser) - It wasn't quite "No More Mr. Nice Obama," but America did see a tougher President Obama than usual in last night's speech, writes Tom Shales. The president was "breathing fire" before the House and Senate members, acknowledging mistakes and disappointments over the last year, but refusing to...

Obama Speech Mixed Game of Chutes, Ladders

'Educator-in-chief's' address worked sometimes

(Newser) - President Obama delivered some highly effective moments and some fizzles in his uneven State of the Union address, writes Tom Schaller. His pledge to mend Washington works is fine if it's merely rhetoric to put Republicans on their heels, but he should know by now that "making nice" won't...

Obama, Please Don't Dumb It Down
 Obama, Please 
 Don't Dumb It Down 
state of the union

Obama, Please Don't Dumb It Down

He needs another speech on par with the one about Rev. Wright

(Newser) - If President Obama hopes to pull off a winning speech tonight, he might look back to candidate Obama for guidance, writes Johnathan Cohn. Remember the Jeremiah Wright controversy, when Obama faced the first "speech of his life"? Most candidates would have taken the politically easy route of disavowing...

Obama, Find Your Inner Reagan
 Obama, Find Your Inner Reagan 

Obama, Find Your Inner Reagan

The Gipper's first year didn't go so well, either

(Newser) - Cheer up, Barack; Ronald Reagan had a rough first year, too. But he bounced back nicely, so Mark Halperin of Time pulls some lessons from his playbook for Obama:
  • Stand for a few big things: Reagan stood for three things: lower taxes, stronger defense, family values. His policies didn’t

What Happened to Obama the Orator?
 What Happened to 
 Obama the Orator? 

What Happened to Obama the Orator?

Empathy is absent from Obama speeches, writes Michael Gerson

(Newser) - The golden age of presidential oration President Obama's more fervent supporters predicted has completely failed to materialize, writes former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson. Obama's speechmaking—once seen as his greatest strength—has been so uninspired and unmemorable that it now seems like a major weakness, Gerson writes in...

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech
 Sarah Palin, Newt 
 Love Obama Speech 
rare praise

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech

Conservatives like the tough talk from the president

(Newser) - Conservatives just love President Obama's Nobel speech today, at least the parts in which he talked about the US responsibility to fight "evil" in the world. “I liked what he said," Sarah Palin tells USA Today . "Of course, war is the last thing I believe any...

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