white supremacist

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev 

Fox Affiliate Calls Neo-Nazis 'Civil Rights Group'

National Socialist Movement not described as hate group by Orlando station

(Newser) - When the National Socialist Movement started patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida , in response to the uproar over Trayvon Martin's death , many media outlets mentioned the fact that the NSM is made up of neo-Nazis. But not Fox News' Orlando affiliate, which described the organization as a "civil...

Armed Neo-Nazis Patrol Sanford
 Armed Neo-Nazis 
 Patrol Sanford 
'Trayvon' shooting

Armed Neo-Nazis Patrol Sanford

National Socialist Movement readies for race riot

(Newser) - Turns out civil rights leaders aren't the only ones marching around Sanford these days. Neo-Nazis are now conducting armed patrols through the Florida city where Trayvon Martin's killing set off a tense national debate , the Miami New Times reports. "We are not advocating any type of violence...

White Supremacist Boasts He Hacked Trayvon's Email

He posts Facebook messages on 4chan

(Newser) - How low can you go? A white supremacist claims to have hacked into Trayvon Martin's email and social networking accounts, reports Gawker , which has verified that at least one of the slain teenager's email accounts was indeed broken into. The racist, who calls himself Klankannon, posted what he...

Klansman Running for Idaho Sheriff

Views on race won't be an issue, white supremacist claims

(Newser) - A white supremacist in Idaho seeking to swap his white hood for a sheriff's badge says voters should look at his position on crime, not race. Shaun Winkler, who is the leader of the local White Knights of the KKK and has links to the Aryan Nation, hopes to...

Neo-Nazi Loses Racist Beliefs—and Tattoos

Pain 'a small price to pay for being human again," Bryon Widner says

(Newser) - Bryon Widner, once one of America's most notorious white supremacists, turned his back on racism—but still had a face covered in racist tattoos. Shunned by society and unable to find work, Widner says he became so desperate he considered dousing his face in acid to remove them. Instead,...

Principal at Bronx Catholic School Is White Supremacist

But pastor sees no cause for concern

(Newser) - Frank Borzellieri has written for a white supremacist publication, has called diversity "a weakness," and claims that rising black and Hispanic populations will lead to a "New Dark Age" in America ... and he's also the principal of a Catholic elementary school in the Bronx where most...

Former KKK Grand Wizard Eyes White House Run

David Duke may seek GOP nomination

(Newser) - He's baaaaack. White supremacist David Duke is considering throwing his pointy hat into the ring for the Republican presidential nomination, according to the Daily Beast . The former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard and Louisiana lawmaker, who has been living in Europe in recent years, is reportedly planning a 25-state...

Death of Aryan Gang Boss Stumps Cops

Texan Frank Roch found dead in crashed pickup

(Newser) - Texas police are baffled by the death of one of the country's most powerful white supremacists. Frank E. Roch Jr., leader of the biggest faction of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas prison gang, was found dying slumped in a crashed pickup truck, reports the Houston Chronicle . The cause of...

California Neo-Nazi Killed, Son, 10, Held

Jeff Hall shot at home in intentional killing, say cops

(Newser) - A leading white supremacist has been shot to death at his California home and his 10-year-old son has been booked on suspicion of homicide. Jeff Russell Hall, 32, was the regional director of the National Socialist Movement and came to national attention last year when he ran for a post...

Iowa Plans Terror Drill With Immigrant-Hating Gunmen

Anti-illegal immigration groups say exercise builds prejudice

(Newser) - Anti-illegal immigration groups are furious over an anti-terrorism exercise planned in Iowa that will pit Pottawattamie County's finest against a pair of teenage white supremacists. The drill, which is scheduled for tomorrow, is built around a fictional scenario in which an 18-year-old, angered by the influx of minorities—both citizens...

Spokane Suspect's Neo-Nazi Ties Run Deep

Mentor had urged followers to strike

(Newser) - Kevin William Harpham, the man accused of plotting to set off a bomb in Spokane during the city's MLK parade, might have been nudged along by one of his white nationalist heroes. As Media Matters notes, Harpham had been a regular poster on the extremist website Vanguard News Network for...

White Supremacist Arrested in MLK Parade Bomb Attempt

Suspect allegedly left explosives along route in Spokane

(Newser) - Authorities in Spokane today arrested a 36-year-old man with ties to a white supremacist group in the attempted bombing of the city's MLK parade in January, reports the Spokesman-Review . The suspect is Kevin William Harpham, who served in the Army in 1996 and 1997 and now faces life in prison...

White Supremacists Boycotting Thor Over Black God

Casting of Idris Elba infuriates Council of Conservative Citizens

(Newser) - A far-right group is calling for a boycott of the upcoming Thor movie because a black actor has been cast as a Norse god. Wire star Idris Elba plays the god Heimdall in the superhero movie, a casting decision that the Council of Conservative Citizens says is an "insulting...

KKK Snowman Enrages Idaho Neighborhood

Hooded snow sculpture held a noose, but owner says it's not hateful

(Newser) - Ahh, the holidays ... a time for merry-making, gift-giving ... and noose-wielding KKK snowmen? That's what residents of Hayden, Idaho, found in one neighbor's yard. In addition to the noose, which was later removed, the 10-foot-tall snow sculpture was also originally adorned with a KKK hood and is located in a yard...

NAACP Links Tea Party to White Supremacist Groups

Charge 'too stupid to respond to,' says Tea Party rep

(Newser) - Tea Party gatherings are being used by white supremacist and other hate groups to recruit members and spread their ideas, according to a new study by the NAACP. The "links between certain Tea Party factions and acknowledged racist hate groups in the US should give all patriotic Americans pause,...

Beck Favorites White Supremacist Tweet

Then deletes it when someone notices

(Newser) - Until recently, Glenn Beck had a pretty eyebrow-raising tweet on his “favorites” page on Twitter. On Monday, the StopBeck blog noticed that the top tweet on Beck’s favorite page was from MalevoFreedom, a white supremacist account that uses the neo-Nazi Stormfront logo as its Twitter icon. The tweet...

Man Sentenced for Plot to Kill Obama
Man Sentenced for Plot to Kill Obama

Man Sentenced for Plot to Kill Obama

Skinhead gets 10 years; hoped to murder dozens of minorities

(Newser) - A white supremacist was sentenced to 10 years in prison today for his plot to kill dozens of black people, including then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, CNN reports. Paul Schlesselman of Arkansas was arrested after threatening Obama. He later admitted he’d spent more than a month planning and acquiring weapons...

Cops Probe Gay Sex Link in Supremacist's Murder

'Something shocking,' says suspect's attorney

(Newser) - South African police are probing a possible gay sex link to the murder of white supremacist land owner Eugene Terreblanche. A teenager has admitted that he killed the farmer with a co-worker after Terreblanche refused to pay them wages. But police said they are probing all possible motivations, including gay...

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev