locally grown movement

6 Stories

Hottest Trend in Dining: Gardens

According to chefs, who say they're cheap, and popular

(Newser) - Chefs have responded to the local food movement by going as local as it gets: their own gardens. In a survey of 2,000 chefs by the National Restaurant Association, a third identified gardening as the top restaurant trend of 2010, the AP reports. Growing produce, they’ve discovered, is...

Locavores No Better Than Racists
 Locavores No Better 
 Than Racists 

Locavores No Better Than Racists

Both value one group's concerns over another's

(Newser) - Proud of yourself for going totally local for your Christmas dinner this year? Did you put on your white hood and go burn a cross afterward? Because the locavore movement is really just a thinly veiled cousin of tribalism and racism,” Ethan Epstein writes of the “profoundly misguided”...

Quietly, Moonshine Makes a Comeback

Homemade spirits find a loyal following; pity about the jail sentences

(Newser) - Whether it's a result of the recession or an outgrowth of the local food movement, more and more Americans are getting in on the craze for do-it-yourself food and drink. But there's a small problem with homemade spirits—unlike smoking salmon or pickling cukes, distilling your own whiskey or grappa...

The New Gourmet Greens: Weeds

Experts tout health benefits; consumers pay top dollar

(Newser) - One man’s weeds are another man’s delicacy. The bane of American gardeners has a new home on gourmet dinner plates, the Wall Street Journal reports. “These are as good a yuppie green as you can get,” said one buyer who paid $9 a pound for dandelion...

Salty Ramsay Marinates in Hypocrisy
 Salty Ramsay 
 Marinates in Hypocrisy 

Salty Ramsay Marinates in Hypocrisy

Push for local, seasonal food in UK restaurants has critics roasting TV chef

(Newser) - Borrowing some of Gordon Ramsay's favorite vulgarities, Rob Lyons lashes out at the famous chef's push for British restaurants to use seasonal, local foodstuffs. "There have been plenty of people lining up to point out the hypocrisy of Ramsay’s position," Lyons writes in spiked, pointing to observations...

Markets May Lose Farmers
Markets May Lose Farmers 

Markets May Lose Farmers

Popularity of fresh produce a double- edged sword

(Newser) - Farmers' markets have gotten so trendy the they're beginning to annoy their founders: the farmers. Now some of the locally-grown-produce movement's most high-profile members, turned off by the time commitment and the carnival-like atmosphere at many markets, are dropping out of the circuit.

6 Stories
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