Thomas Kean

2 Stories

CIA Obstructed 9/11 Inquiry, Commission Heads Charge

Destroying tapes at odds with probe

(Newser) - By withholding and ultimately destroying videotapes of the interrogation of al-Qaeda detainees, the CIA willfully obstructed the 9/11 commission, its top two members charge in today’s New York Times. Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton say the CIA repeatedly stonewalled their investigation in 2003-04, answering questions vaguely, denying access to...

Kean Slams US Security Effort Since 9/11

Americans are no safer, says commission head; foreign policy a disaster

(Newser) - Six years after 9/11 and three years after the 9/11 Commission report, commission chairman Thomas Kean assesses the nation's progress in protecting itself against the threat of terrorism.  On the domestic front, our defenses are better, he writes in the Washington Post., but internationally we have lost ground to...

2 Stories
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