Lee Bollinger

3 Stories

9 Successes Who Were Rejected by Colleges

Don't worry, seniors: Ted Turner, Warren Buffett still made it

(Newser) - As high school seniors across the country anxiously wait for college acceptance—or rejection—letters, the Wall Street Journal offers a glimpse at a few success stories who received the dreaded thin envelope:
  • Warren Buffett: Though his rejection from Harvard Business School was “crushing” at the time, it “

Columbia Prez Lays Into Ahmadinejad
Columbia Prez Lays Into Ahmadinejad

Columbia Prez Lays Into Ahmadinejad

Head of state answers ‘unfriendly’ intro with contentious talk

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared today at Columbia University, where the school’s president called the Iranian president “a petty and cruel dictator” and excoriated him for his human rights rap sheet, Holocaust denial—which Lee Bollinger called "simply ridiculous"—and nuclear ambitions. The visitor smiled as Bollinger spoke,...

Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm
Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm

Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm

Ahmadinejad arrives in NY amid protests

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in New York yesterday amid protests and rancor over his schedule of public appearances, including his planned address at Columbia University. In the first of a series of public relations efforts, Ahmadinejad claimed in a television interview that Iran is seeking neither nuclear weapons nor...

3 Stories