Clarence Thomas

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Clarence Thomas: 5 Years Without a Peep

Justice's silence mystifies court observers

(Newser) - It is a strange anniversary coming up for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas—on Feb. 22, it will have been five years since the justice has spoken during a court argument. The other justices average between six questions or remarks a case (Alito) and 25 (Scalia), and no other justice...

Virginia Thomas Denies Leaving Tea Party Group

Reports that CEO will take 'back seat' at Liberty inaccurate

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas' wife is denying reports that she's stepping down as CEO at the Tea Party-linked organization she founded last year, ABC News reports. The COO of Liberty Central said quotes in a Washington Post story from earlier today that suggested Virginia Thomas would take a "back seat" at...

Supreme Court Turns Down First ObamaCare Challenge

Kagan may not recuse herself from cases involving health reform

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has turned down the first preliminary challenge to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. The decision to reject an appeal from a former Republican state lawmaker in California was no surprise because a federal appeals court has yet to consider the case. The high court almost never...

Clarence Thomas Is Guilty, and Anita Hill Is Owed an Apology: Steve Kornacki
Thomas Is Guilty; Anita Hill
Is Owed an Apology

Thomas Is Guilty; Anita Hill Is Owed an Apology

Kornacki: If he's still playing the victim, the case is still relevant

(Newser) - If you're tired of reliving the Clarence Thomas saga in the wake of his wife's request for an apology and his old girlfriend's support of Anita Hill, well tough. The case still matters, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . He presents a thorough look at the evidence presented at the hearing...

Thomases Are Epic in Their Bad Judgment
 Thomases Are Epic 
 in Their Bad Judgment 

Thomases Are Epic in Their Bad Judgment

Ginni's wacky phone call nothing next to political endeavors

(Newser) - Ginni Thomas, intending to very belatedly salvage her man's reputation, instead made a mockery of it, opines Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. And while "it's too late to relitigate the shameful Thomas-Hill hearings," Ginni Thomas' errant phone call is just the latest instance of "supremely...

Clarence Thomas 'Obsessed With Porn': Ex

And partial to big breasts, too, says Lillian McEwen

(Newser) - Ginni Thomas must be wishing she’d never extended that “olive branch” to Anita Hill : Clarence Thomas’s ex, who first spoke out Wednesday , is back—with a lot more to say about the Supreme Court justice. Hill’s allegations that Thomas made sexual advances toward her come as...

Clarence Thomas's Ex: Anita Hill Got It Right

Allegations didn't surprise old girlfriend Lillian McEwen

(Newser) - Most definitely not what Ginni Thomas hoped would happen when she called Anita Hill seeking an apology: Now that the story's gone national, the Washington Post talks to a woman who dated Clarence Thomas in the 1980s and says the lewd behavior alleged by Hill didn't surprise her. "The...

Clarence Thomas's Wife Calls Anita Hill, Seeks Apology

But Hill thinks it's a prank, calls cops

(Newser) - Bygones? Not so much. The wife of Clarence Thomas left a voicemail for Anita Hill requesting that she apologize for the testimony against her husband at his 1991 confirmation hearings, reports ABC News . “Good morning, Anita Hill, it's Ginny Thomas,” said the message. “I just wanted to...

Clarence Thomas' Nephew: Hospital Tased Me

Derek Thomas says staff got physical when he refused gown

(Newser) - The nephew of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas says a Louisiana hospital beat and tased him for refusing to put on a hospital gown, reports local station WGNO. Derek Thomas says officials at West Jefferson Medical Center punched him in the lip, pulled his hair out, and ultimately tased him—...

Clarence Thomas' Wife Draws Secret Donors to Tea Party

Group gets $550,000 donation from 2 anonymous donors

(Newser) - Virginia “Ginni” Thomas' new think tank has something most Tea Party advocates lack: Deep pockets. The wife of Clarence Thomas founded Liberty Central in November with two donations totaling $550,000 that landed it squarely on the map. Thomas, who two years ago retreated to academia to avoid conflicts...

Newest Tea Partier: Clarence Thomas' Wife

Virginia Thomas may test traditional judicial impartiality

(Newser) - If Samuel Alito's State of the Union faux pas was a shot across the bow of the Supreme Court's tightly held impartiality, then Clarence Thomas' wife, Ginni, might be taking another. Spurred by the "hard-left agenda" of President Obama, the conservative justice's wife of 23 years recently founded Liberty...

Clarence Thomas: State of the Union 'Too Partisan'

Justice makes a point of skipping them

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas says he skips State of the Union addresses—including President Obama’s last week—“because it has become so partisan,” he told a Florida law school this week. “It’s very uncomfortable for a judge to sit there,” he said. “There’s a...

Justices Prepare for Newest 'Family Member'

In rare interviews, they discuss dynamics of Supreme Court shifts

(Newser) - When Sonia Sotomayor takes the bench for the first time next week, the Supreme Court will never be the same—as justice after justice tells C-Span in a rare interview program, each new member transforms the court's composition. John Roberts says that he looks at the bench "like people...

Strip Search of Middle School Student Illegal: Supremes

(Newser) - An Arizona middle school's strip search of a teenage girl accused of having prescription-strength ibuprofen was illegal, the Supreme Court ruled today. School officials violated the law with their search of Savana Redding, the justices said in an 8-1 ruling. Redding, who now attends college, was 13 when school officials...

Similar Lives Led Sotomayor, Thomas Down Different Paths

On and off the bench, they often work at cross-purposes

(Newser) - The lives of Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas have parallels—humble beginnings, fatherless childhoods, Yale Law, affirmative action—but their conclusions are contrary. “For the first time, the Supreme Court would include two minority judges, but ones who stand at opposite poles of thinking about race, identity, and opportunity,...

Sotomayor: Good Judge, Crappy Writer
Good Judge, Crappy Writer

Sotomayor: Good Judge, Crappy Writer

Dry, plodding opinions could make her left's Clarence Thomas

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor obviously has her talents, but “writing isn’t one of them,” writes Stephanie Mencimer in Mother Jones. “Sotomayor’s opinions read like she’s still following a formula she learned in college.” Whereas someone like Antonin Scalia wows with his airy and convincing prose,...

Supreme Court Limits Car Searches After Arrests

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today put new limits on police officers' ability to search a car after an arrest, the Washington Post reports. The 5-4 ruling—with an unusual grouping of justices—says police need a warrant unless certain criteria apply, a break from the standard practice of about 30 years....

Clarence Thomas Strays From Righty Line
Clarence Thomas
Strays From Righty Line

Clarence Thomas Strays From Righty Line

Slams Bush team, backs consumer protection in recent case

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas might be the Supreme Court’s rightmost justice, but he’s “never been shy about breaking with conventional wisdom,” writes David G. Savage in the Los Angeles Times. In the latest such instance, he upheld injured patients’ right to sue drug companies, arguing that “agency...

Court Readies Term's Testiest Decisions

Justices will hand down 26 of the most contentious opinions beginning today

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is poised to begin unveiling decisions today in some of the year's most heated cases, reports USA Today. As the term winds down, the 26 final opinions will be released on select days in June, and include clashes over Guantanamo detainees, DC's handgun ban, and the 1989...

Lethal Injection Ruling Will Spur Executions, Lawsuits

Pro-death states will waste no time; lawsuits likely in others

(Newser) - Executions will resume in the United States, thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling on lethal injection yesterday, but so will lawsuits, the New York Times reports. By condoning methods “substantially similar” to Kentucky’s, the court has invited more challenges. “We have left the states with nothing...

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