
6 Stories

Clinton Stumps for Wife's Loyal Backers

He's boosting allies for 2010, but refuses to help one loyalist

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has quietly jumped into the 2010 election fray, helping just about anyone who was loyal to his wife’s presidential campaign, Politico reports. Though the media has focused mostly on his full-throated support for Terry McAuliffe’s failed gubernatorial run, Clinton has held events for half a dozen...

Obama Hires Clinton Talent —to Avoid Clinton Mistakes

Hopes experience will smooth transition; Hillary's political team left out

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be considering adding Hillary Clinton to his Cabinet, but his transition already has the feel of that other Clinton politician, Politico reports. Thirty-one of the 47 people named to new jobs so far are staffers who cut their Washington teeth in Bill Clinton's administration. The Obama camp...

Obama's Press to Cherry-Pick Top Clintonites Under Way

Some staffers, fund-raisers ready to jump after vote; others await her approval

(Newser) - Perhaps just hours from securing the Democratic nomination, Barack Obama's campaign is moving to grab the best donors, advisers, and operatives from Hillary Clinton's team, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some are merely waiting for primary voting to end to make the jump; others, out of personal loyalty or sheer...

Hillary Defeat Would Shake Up Democrats

Divisive changing of guard looms if Clintons lose grip on party

(Newser) - With Barack Obama headed toward the Democratic nomination, the Clintons' long reign over the party looks likely to end, the New York Times reports. That could lead to a bold new era—or a divided party that Obama can’t reconcile. “It’s going to create an upheaval,”...

50 Ways to Leave Hillary's Camp
 50 Ways to Leave Hillary's Camp 

50 Ways to Leave Hillary's Camp

Kerry, Richardson, Reich: stalwart Clintonites are jumping ship

(Newser) - As more longtime Clintonites succumb to Obamania and Hillary Clinton's superdelegate lead gradually diminishes, the former first couple is left to sift their friendships into past and present. But while the Clinton camp sees shifts toward Barack Obama as acts of betrayal, others consider them comeuppance for the Clintons' habit...

Key Dems May Have Had Enough
Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Tired of Clintons' grip on party, many leaders defecting to Obama

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton loses Democratic stalwarts like Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and now Ted Kennedy, the New Republic looks at Democratic power brokers who have had enough of the Clinton brand and many who dismiss the former first couple as power-hungry and legacy-obsessed. Although it’s not obvious outside Washington,...

6 Stories
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