Deepak Chopra

6 Stories

Scientists Figure Out What Type of Person Believes BS

This may be the first study of 'pseudo-profound bullshit'

(Newser) - This has to rank among the best opening statements ever in a study abstract : "Although bullshit is common in everyday life and has attracted attention from philosophers, its reception (critical or ingenuous) has not, to our knowledge, been subject to empirical investigation." And so researchers at the University...

Debate Rages Over Yoga's Roots

Controversy spreads after Hindu group's claim

(Newser) - An American Hindu group is calling for yoga fans to be more aware of what it says are the practice’s roots in Hinduism—and the suggestion has ignited intense reactions and a debate over yoga’s origins, the New York Times reports. Those weighing in on the matter include...

Was Jackson Healthy or On the Brink? Yes.

Drug-addled or ready to rock, his inner-circle tells it from all sides

(Newser) - Was Michael Jackson happy and healthy, or drug-addled and depressed in his final days? Depends who you ask. The AP compiles a list of contradictory reports from the star’s inner circle:
  • Concert promoter Randy Phillips initially told reporters Jackson was "a healthy, vibrant human being,” but later

Chopra Blames Mumbai Attacks on US Policy
Chopra Blames
Mumbai Attacks
on US Policy

Chopra Blames Mumbai Attacks on US Policy

And Rabinowitz finds guru's mantra on CNN anti-American

(Newser) - What was Deepak Chopra, New Age philosopher and feel-good guru, doing holding forth on the Mumbai terror attacks on CNN this weekend, Dorothy Rabinowitz wants to know. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Rabinowitz airs her outrage at Chopra's reflexive blaming the United States for an attack perpetrated neither by...

Deepak Chopra: 'Catch God With His Pants Down'
Deepak Chopra: 'Catch God With His Pants Down'

Deepak Chopra: 'Catch God With His Pants Down'

Lighten up about religion, says new-age fan of 'Love Guru'

(Newser) - Real-life new-age guru Deepak Chopra is a big fan of Mike Myers' movie, The Love Guru, and writes that laughing at God is exactly what we need right about now. "More comedies should cross the line between vulgar lampoon and reckless disrespect. Let's catch God with his pants down—...

Indian Guru to the Beatles Dies
Indian Guru to the Beatles Dies

Indian Guru to the Beatles Dies

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought Transcendental Meditation to the West

(Newser) - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Indian guru who inspired the Beatles and founded the Transcendental Meditation movement, died yesterday at his Dutch home, the Guardian reports. He was believed to be 90. Maharishi—known as the “giggling guru” for his playful witticisms—hosted the Beatles for a highly publicized retreat...

6 Stories
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