
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

15 Sad, Strange Things That Keep Us Up at Night

...but some are wonderful, too

(Newser) - What keeps Americans up at night? Thanks to a joint venture between a Knoxville public radio station and the University of Tennessee, that's being revealed, at least through an East Tennessee lens. The crowdsourcing project, dubbed Tenn Words, began in mid-May. Residents are asked to anonymously answer the question...

Women Sleep More, Wake Up Feeling Worse

The alarm-clock app Sleep Cycle delves into sleeping habits

(Newser) - For women who sleep long hours but wake up cursing the day, there's an app for that—or at least an app that corroborates your experience. The alarm-clock app Sleep Cycle gathered stats on one million users across 50 nations over nine months, and found that women aged 16...

What Your Sleepwalking Means for Your Kids

Sleep terrors appear to increase the chance of sleepwalking, too

(Newser) - Kids whose parents sleepwalked are more likely to do it themselves—and sleep terrors may be a precursor to sleepwalking as well, according to a new study out of Montreal published this week in the journal JAMA Pediatrics . Not that sleepwalking, also called somnambulism, is necessarily a big deal. "...

Wear Orange Glasses to Get Better Shut-Eye
Wear Orange Glasses
to Get Better Shut-Eye

Wear Orange Glasses to Get Better Shut-Eye

Tinted eyewear, filters block blue light emitting from electronic devices: study

(Newser) - You may be tempted to stay up to check out all the new late-night TV hosts , but make sure you've got your orange glasses on first. Various studies and expert opinion suggest that special filters, light bulbs, and the aforementioned orange-tinted eyewear can help block melatonin-disrupting blue light emitted...

For More Sex, Get More Sleep
 For More Sex, 
 Get More Sleep 

For More Sex, Get More Sleep

Every extra hour makes sex likelier, researchers say

(Newser) - Women who sleep more are a lot more likely to do other things in bed, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Michigan's Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory tracked 171 college-age women over 14 days and found that those who got more sleep had more—and...

Meet a Woman Who Needs Just 4 Hours of Sleep Per Night

Jenn Schwaner, 43, still finds days are too short

(Newser) - By normal human standards, " short sleepers " need hardly any shut-eye: They feel dandy after about four hours of sleep. The Science of Us speaks to Jenn Schwaner, a 43-year-old with a long resume as a court reporter who says she tends to get "about three or four...

How More Than 8 Hours of Sleep Could Be Bad for You

Study ties it to increased stroke risk

(Newser) - Sleeping more than eight hours a night? That may be too much of a good thing, because you're more likely to suffer a stroke, according to a study out of the University of Cambridge. Researchers analyzed the sleep patterns of nearly 10,000 people ages 42 to 81 in...

Experts Figure Out Exactly How Much Sleep You Need

Sorry, working-age adults: It's still 7-9 hours

(Newser) - Feeling so tired today? Perhaps last night's amount of shut-eye didn't jibe with the National Sleep Foundation's updated recommendations. In a newly published report in Sleep Health , the nonprofit foundation sets its objective: "to conduct a scientifically rigorous update to the [its] sleep duration recommendations,"...

6 Reasons Why You Should Sleep Naked

Ditch the pajamas and reap the benefits

(Newser) - Pack away the flannel pajamas: A handful of studies and surveys show sleeping naked could actually be good for you. Six reasons why you should consider it:
  1. You may like your partner more: A 2014 survey of Brits by Cotton USA (which promotes cotton products that likely include both pajamas

Key to Babies&#39; New Memories: Naps
 Key to Babies' 
 New Memories: Naps 

Key to Babies' New Memories: Naps

Researchers find babies who napped soon after an activity remembered it better

(Newser) - It's long been thought that napping is an important part of a baby's growth—both physically and mentally. Now new research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that naps help babies form new memories, and that when a nap directly follows a new activity...

Screens Mess With Our Sleep—Even If We Get 8 Hours

'Blue light' affects melatonin levels, which can have dangerous long-term effects: study

(Newser) - Your iPad or smartphone could well be hurting your sleep patterns, even if you're getting in a full eight hours of shuteye, researchers say—and the effects could be long-term. Over a five-night period, researchers in Boston had some subjects read for four hours a night on an iPad;...

Dementia Linked to Bad Night&#39;s Sleep
 Dementia Linked 
 to Bad Night's Sleep 

Dementia Linked to Bad Night's Sleep

Researchers say low oxygen levels cause abnormalities in brain

(Newser) - We're all familiar with that sluggish feeling after a bad night's sleep. Now researchers believe sleep disturbances spark changes in the brain that may lead to dementia, according to a new study. The key to this connection is low oxygen in the blood during sleep. The culprit? Conditions...

Want to Worry Less? Go to Bed Earlier

 Want to Worry 
 Less? Go to 
 Bed Earlier 
study says

Want to Worry Less? Go to Bed Earlier

What time you turn in may play a role in your anxiety level

(Newser) - Those who feel stressed and anxious all the time might want to try one simple remedy before others: Go to bed earlier. It's not just a matter of getting a good night's sleep, however. Researchers at Binghamton University say that when you go to sleep matters when it...

55% of Infants Sleep in Dangerous Way

 55% of Infants Sleep 
 in Dangerous Way 
new study

55% of Infants Sleep in Dangerous Way

They're put to bed with pillows, quilts, comforters, loose bedding, study finds

(Newser) - Cold temps may be upon us, but a new study published in Pediatrics has a message for the parents of the 55% of infants who are put to bed with a blanket, quilt, comforter, or pillow: Don't do it. The federal study is the first to attempt to quantify...

When School Starts Earlier, Teen Car Crashes Rise

Study compares accidents in 2 similar counties

(Newser) - School start times may be more than just annoying for teenagers: They could actually be dangerous, a study reported in the New York Times suggests. Researchers studying two demographically similar counties in Virginia found that crash rates among 16- to 18-year-olds were higher in the county where teens must wake...

Scientists Determine Your &#39;Optimal&#39; Amount of Sleep
Scientists Determine Your 'Optimal' Amount of Sleep
in case you missed it

Scientists Determine Your 'Optimal' Amount of Sleep

7.6 hours for women, 7.8 hours for men

(Newser) - Suspect you're not getting enough sleep? You can now verify whether that is indeed the case. In a study published last month in the journal Sleep , researchers claim to have determined exactly how much sleep we need: 7.6 hours for women and 7.8 hours for men. The...

Why You Should Nap After Coffee

 Why You 
 Should Nap 
 After Coffee 
in case you missed it

Why You Should Nap After Coffee

'Coffee naps' produce maximum alertness, scientists say

(Newser) - Debating between a cup of joe or a short nap to make it through the day? Perhaps you should try both. Scientists say a "coffee nap"—having a cup of coffee and then a 20-minute nap—will allow for maximum alertness when you wake, Vox reports. Yes, caffeine...

Windowless Offices Cut Workers&#39; Sleep

 Windowless Offices 
 Cut Workers' Sleep 
study says

Windowless Offices Cut Workers' Sleep

Researchers point to health issue

(Newser) - No windows in your office? You may be losing sleep over it—literally. Researchers surveyed 22 workers getting natural light exposure and 27 others missing it; they found that those who were getting the exposure at work got an extra 46 minutes of sleep during the work week and reported...

8 Hours of Sleep? 7 Might Be Better

CDC is working on new guidelines

(Newser) - How much sleep do you need? The CDC is coming out with new guidelines next year, but a spate of recent research suggests that seven hours is close to the magic number, not eight, reports the Wall Street Journal . Because requirements change from person to person, however, experts suggest spending...

Morning People Are Liars at Night
 Morning People 
 Are Liars at Night 
study says

Morning People Are Liars at Night

Conversely, night owls are more likely to lie in the morning, study finds

(Newser) - Think morning people are somehow morally superior? Think again, say researchers whose new study, the Morality of Larks and Owls , finds a strong link between a person's ethical inclination and chronotype—which refers to when people are most naturally inclined to be asleep or awake. When outside of one'...

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