political criticism

9 Stories

Ukraine Responds to Pope's 'White Flag' Remarks

Zelensky, foreign minister, others don't seem inclined to surrender to Russia anytime soon

(Newser) - Allies of Ukraine have been expressing their dismay at recently aired comments made by Pope Francis last month, in which he said Ukraine should have the "courage" to send up the "white flag" in its war with Russia, implying Ukraine should surrender. Now, a slew of Ukrainian officials...

He Blasted China for Treatment of Muslims. China Reacted

Country yanks soccer game of Arsenal team after star player Mesut Ozil offered his take on Uighurs

(Newser) - On Friday, one of the English Premier League's star players criticized China for its incarceration of Uighur ethnic-minority Muslims , and on Sunday, that player saw his team's game get yanked from Chinese broadcasts. As the weekend approached, Arsenal's Mesut Ozil, a Muslim of Turkish heritage, tweeted against...

Obama Has Been Fairly Quiet on Trump. Not on Friday

Former president blasts current one in Detroit, Milwaukee on Friday, never says Trump's name

(Newser) - Former President Barack Obama criticized President Trump's tenure in office Friday in fiery speeches in Milwaukee and Detroit that took aim at him and other Republicans for "making stuff up." The speeches, made during visits meant to urge people to vote for Democratic candidates in Michigan and...

Why History Will Happen in Cuba's 'Threadbare' Airport

Plus more on pontiff's historic meeting in Havana with Russian Patriarch Kirill

(Newser) - Pope Francis is joining up with Patriarch Kirill in Havana on Friday, a historic event that marks the first time the head of the Roman Catholic Church is meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, notes NBC News , which outlines all the background behind this "religious rendezvous....

Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford
Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford

Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford

Gov bolted because country's 'going to hell in a handbasket'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh has a novel theory about why Mark Sanford left the US: He was sick of the way the country’s being run. The South Carolina governor's disappearance, it seems, was President Obama’s fault, the Huffington Post reports. “This is almost like: I don't give a damn!...

Sarko: Obama's Not So Hot
 Sarko: Obama's Not So Hot 

Sarko: Obama's Not So Hot

(Newser) - Someone sounds a little jealous the international media has found a new darling. Nicolas Sarkozy sniped today at President Obama for being inexperienced and indecisive, the Times of London reports. While praising Obama's "clever" mind, the French president complained to party members that "he was elected two months...

Palin Used State Politics to Settle Personal Scores

Career reveals history of favoritism, vendettas, secrecy

(Newser) - Throughout Sarah Palin’s political career the Republican vice presidential nominee has played favorites, kept secrets and waged personal vendettas, according to the New York Times. A lengthy examination of the Alaska governor’s record reveals that she appointed at least five former schoolmates to state positions, threatened and fired...

He's the King of Teflon, But Will It Last?
He's the King of Teflon,
But Will It Last?

He's the King of Teflon, But Will It Last?

General-election voters want answers, not just a clean suit

(Newser) - Barack Obama has admitted that all politicians have a “reptilian side,” but the candidate’s slipperiness is so well-cloaked by his affable persona that he must be the “koala of iguanas,” Jack Shafer writes for Slate. Nothing sticks to Obama in part because he has anticipated...

Blogger Wins Award, Vindication
Blogger Wins Award, Vindication

Blogger Wins Award, Vindication

Talking Points Memo founder captures Polk Award

(Newser) - The blogosphere is rejoicing in the news that “local boy” Joshua Micah Marshall garnered a George Polk Award for legal reporting. Marshall's Talking Points Memo blog is the first Internet-only operation to win the award, and many bloggers see that as validation, reports the New York Times. Marshall won...

9 Stories