race in prison

2 Stories

White Guy Runs Maine Chapter of NAACP

From prison, that is— he says being a felon makes you a minority

(Newser) - The president of the NAACP doesn’t often go to Maine, the whitest state in the country. But recently Todd Jealous took the Washington Post to a state prison there, to meet his new favorite chapter—one comprised almost entirely of white convicts. It’s run by Billy Flynn, who’...

1 in 100 Americans in Prison
1 in 100 Americans in Prison

1 in 100 Americans in Prison

'Tough on crime' proving expensive stance as state resources dwindle, study reports

(Newser) - One American adult out of 100 is incarcerated, a new study shows—the first time in US history such a high proportion of the population is behind bars. The Pew Center on the States reports the nationwide prison population grew by 25,000 last year, to 1.6 million, with...

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