
5 Stories

5 Terms Scientists Wish You'd Stop Screwing Up

There are times when scientists are speaking a different language than the rest of us

(Newser) - Ah, science. It's ever-present in our pop-culture, and its words and phrases have become part of our everyday vernacular. There's just one problem: Scientists mostly can't stand it, because we mostly get everything wrong. Io9 asked some scientists which misuses drive them the most crazy. Here are...

Après Le Deluge: French Battle Anglo Terms in Web Age

Experts struggle to create equivalents for terms like 'cloud computing'

(Newser) - Defenders of the French language are fighting a rear-guard action against a flood of Anglo-Saxon computing terms. In a process that lags far behind advances in technology, experts are tasked with finding French equivalents for new computing technology. The terms must then be passed by a panel of linguists and...

Clerks too Busy to Resurrect 'Bride', 'Groom'

Local officials ask Calif. to wait 'til after election for change

(Newser) - A civil servants group in California has asked the state for a delay in restoring the words “bride” and “groom” as an option on marriage licenses because clerks are too swamped with election preparations to update the forms, reports the New York Times. The group has “no...

Who Are You Calling 'Devil Dog'?
Who Are You Calling 'Devil Dog'?

Who Are You Calling 'Devil Dog'?

Marines now balk at WWI nickname once used with pride

(Newser) - Once used with pride, the Marines moniker "Devil Dog" now has a nasty bite to it, the Marine Corps Times reports. Young Marines recoil at the term that troops earned by fighting off Germans in a bloody World War I battle. They say it reminds them of angry COs:...

Journo Picks Up Clinton's Spin
Journo Picks Up Clinton's Spin

Journo Picks Up Clinton's Spin

AP scribe renames 'superdelegates' and becomes 'messenger' for campaign: pundit

(Newser) - The AP described superdelegates as "automatic delegates" in a story last night, just as the Clinton camp asked—and turned the news service into a spin "messenger," Josh Marshall writes on the Talking Points Memo blog. The campaign wants superdelegates to sound less privileged in case they...

5 Stories
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