survival kit

3 Stories

'Prepper' Movement Goes Mainstream

  'Prepper' Movement  
  Goes Mainstream 

end-of-the-world watch

'Prepper' Movement Goes Mainstream

The new survivalists are no longer just on the fringe

(Newser) - The “ preppers ”—survivalists hoarding supplies and learning essential skills in anticipation of a disastrous event—may have seemed like a fringe movement at first, but they’re growing. Don’t believe it? Just take a look at the numerous blogs, podcasts, and websites that teach everything from...

Today's Survivalists: Call Them 'Preppers'

No camouflage, but maybe stockpiles of canned food

(Newser) - They’re ready for the worst, but they’re not your old-fashioned nutjobs: you won’t likely see "preppers" building bunkers in the woods or expecting the apocalypse. Today’s post-Katrina, recession-era survivalists, their fears heightened by 24-hour news and the Internet, just want to “take some steps...

Essentials for Your Survival Kit
 Essentials for Your Survival Kit 

Essentials for Your Survival Kit

You'll be glad you packed this gear if that 3-hour tour hits a snag

(Newser) - A GPS unit and satellite phone may be handy if you're lost in the wild, but Wired offers a simpler list of cheap essentials for any survival kit:
  1. Knife, vital for shelter, food prep, campfires, and countless other tasks.
  2. Lighter and tinder, like waxed cotton, to start fires in wet

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