Liberty City 7

2 Stories

After 2 Mistrials, 5 Convicted in Sears Tower Attack Plot

One of the Liberty City Six was acquitted

(Newser) - Five men were convicted today of plotting to join forces with al-Qaeda to destroy Chicago's Sears Tower and bomb FBI offices in hopes of igniting an anti-government insurrection. A jury in Miami acquitted one member of the so-called "Liberty City Six." Ringleader Narseal Batiste was the only...

Second Mistrial Declared in Sears Tower Terror Case

'Enough is enough,' says defense attorney

(Newser) - A federal judge called a second mistrial today in the case of six men who allegedly conspired with al-Qaeda to blow up the Sears Tower. After 13 days of deliberation, the jury was finally released, unconvinced the defendants were serious about terrorism. “Enough is enough,” said the defense...

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