Breast Cancer Research Foundation

3 Stories

'Think Pink' Booze Marketing Hard to Swallow

Cancer groups uneasy about connection

(Newser) - Mike's Hard Lemonade has gone pink and is donating money to support breast cancer awareness. 7-11 is encouraging customers to "Drink Pink" at its stores. Other alcohol producers are jumping on the popular October Think Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness promotional parade, too.

'Save the Boob' Ads Turn Heads, Spark Complaints

Cutting-edge ads seek to reach younger women

(Newser) - Just because breast cancer is serious, does that mean PSAs have to be?  "Save the boob" is the tag line on one irreverent video in a campaign for breast cancer awareness that's drawing fans—and furious complaints. Designers of the public service announcements aim to grab the attention younger...

Vitamin D May Curb Breast Cancer: Study

Spreading tumors, early death linked to low levels in women

(Newser) - Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to the spread of breast cancer tumors to other parts of the body, reports the Toronto Globe and Mail. Women diagnosed with breast cancer were twice as likely to see it spread and 73% more likely to die early if they had low levels...

3 Stories
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