recreational vehicle

3 Stories

California Cracking Down on Bohemians

Vehicle-dwellers no longer welcome in Venice

(Newser) - Venice, a California community known for its offbeat and bohemian nature, has long been a popular home for vehicle-dwellers, some of whom sell artwork on the boardwalk by day and sleep in RVs or campers by night. But they might soon be forced out, as the city enacts new regulations...

Campgrounds Add Perks, Redefine 'Roughing It'

(Newser) - The purer pleasures of the outdoors don’t seem to be enough for some campers anymore, the New York Times reports. Increasingly, campgrounds are offering amenities like pizza delivery, air-conditioning, kiddie rides, and valet service to the delight of families and owners’ balance sheets. “The objective is to maximize...

Goodbye, RV: Hello, Real Travel
 Goodbye, RV: Hello, Real Travel 

Goodbye, RV: Hello, Real Travel

Garrison Keillor applauds the death of his least favorite vehicle

(Newser) - With gas prices up and on the rise, your Winnebago may soon be stuck in park—but the fall of car culture's ugliest offender will force us to reconnect with better pastimes, writes Garrison Keillor in the Chicago Tribune. “Banjo sales will pick up,” Keillor writes. “The...

3 Stories
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