Bert Stern

2 Stories

Photogs Settle Case of Nude Monroe Pics

Limited set of prints will be sold

(Newser) - The lawsuit over the final nude photos of Marilyn Monroe has been settled amicably, Reuters reports. Photographer Bert Stern, who shot the photos weeks before Monroe’s death in a session known as “the last sitting,” will work with the two photographers he sued to develop and sell...

Nude Marilyn Pix Spark Suit
 Nude Marilyn Pix 
 Spark Suit 

Nude Marilyn Pix Spark Suit

Photographer sues over 'stolen' images

(Newser) - Missing nude photographs taken of Marilyn Monroe in her legendary last sitting 6 weeks before her death have become the focus of a million-dollar lawsuit, Reuters reports. Photographer Bert Stern, who owns the rights to thousands of Marilyn images, is suing to get back 7 missing shots from 3 people...

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