Abby Elliott

3 Stories

Clueless Co-Star Brittany Murphy Dead at 32

Troubled starlet suffered cardiac arrest

(Newser) - Brittany Murphy, who made a splash playing the makeover victim in Clueless and later battled substance abuse, died today in Los Angeles. She was 32. The LA Fire Department was called to a home owned by Murphy's husband, Simon Monjack, where she was found in cardiac arrest and could not...

With Election Gone, SNL Enters 'Rebuilding' Phase

Three new members join comedy show's cast

(Newser) - The election may be over, but SNL still has 14 episodes to fill. Lorne Michaels says the show will be in one of its periodic "rebuilding" periods, but he has much praise for three new faces. Here's the lowdown, from USA Today:
  • Abby Elliott: The daughter of former cast

SNL Addresses Estrogen Deficit
SNL Addresses
Estrogen Deficit

SNL Addresses Estrogen Deficit

Eccentric additions to bring youthful energy

(Newser) - The election cycle is over, along with Tina Fey's impersonations of Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler's run on Saturday Night Live. Lorne Michaels has plucked two young female comediennes to help fill the gap, the Comic's Comic reports. Abby Elliott, the daughter of eccentric funnyman Chris Elliott, and Michaela Watkins...

3 Stories
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