Michael Rosenberg

3 Stories

Even When He Wins, Tiger Can't Win
 Even When He Wins, 
 Tiger Can't Win 

Even When He Wins, Tiger Can't Win

(Newser) - Our outsized expectations for the “best player in his sport” mean Tiger Woods can’t get any “slack,” Michael Rosenberg writes for Fox Sports. “He missed the cut at the British Open last month and it was like he showed up drunk and club-less.” And...

If I Had a Thought, and Didn't Tweet, Did It Exist?

(Newser) - The sudden ubiquity of ways to share one’s most intimate observations every second of every day has Michael Rosenberg, in the Detroit Free Press, worried he recently let an original thought go “unwritten, unblogged, unTwittered, unFacebooked.” He tries to jog his memory, not wanting another to get...

The Culture Wars, College Football Style
The Culture Wars, College Football Style

The Culture Wars, College Football Style

Michigan-Ohio State rivalry illuminates tale of '60s, '70s upheaval

(Newser) - The cultural disconnect between conservative college football programs and America’s liberalizing culture in the late 1960s and early ‘70s is the theme of War as They Knew It, a book by Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg. The survey of the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry (which continues tomorrow) through...

3 Stories