
3 Stories

All That Folic Acid May Give You Cancer

Fortified cereals, breads, vitamins could overwhelm your liver

(Newser) - Health experts once trumpeted folic acid, but now warn against taking too much of a good thing, the Economist reports. For more than 10 years, aspiring mothers have been told to down double the recommended dose with vitamin pills, and some countries have added folic acid to grain products. It's...

Too Much Folic Acid May Help Cause Cancer

Wonder vitamin added to many foods could be giving us an overdose

(Newser) - Folic acid: You’ve probably heard that pregnant women are urged to take it, and you might know that lots of common staples—from flour to cereals—are fortified with it. But new research indicates that folic acid may have a complicated relationship to cancer—even perhaps accelerating it. Studies...

FDA Tells Diet Coke to Subtract Word 'Plus'

(Newser) - The FDA has warned Coca-Cola that Diet Coke Plus does not warrant the term “Plus.” Coke says its no-calorie drink is fortified with vitamins and minerals, hence the designation. No dice, says the FDA: It may have some supplements, but not enough to use the word, reports WebMD....

3 Stories