primary school

3 Stories

4th Grader Grills Condi on Torture
4th Grader
Grills Condi
on Torture

4th Grader Grills Condi on Torture

We were terrified by 9/11 but did nothing illegal, Rice says

(Newser) - A fourth grader took Condoleezza Rice to task on torture yesterday, asking her about President Obama's criticism of "methods" used by the Bush administration. The question— drafted with the help of teachers—was toned down from what the student originally planned to say, the Washington Post notes. The child...

Kids to AIG: 'Not All of USA Hates You'

(Newser) - It seems fourth-graders have a greater store of empathy than the rest of this crisis-wracked nation. When a Houston teacher asked students how they felt about the AIG bonus scandal, it provoked the usual boos and hisses. But when she put the kids in an AIG employee’s shoes, they...

UK Teachers: Ban Homework for Kids Under 11

(Newser) - A British teachers’ group thinks homework for children under 11 is a waste of time for all involved, the Telegraph reports. It can “damage parents and children's relationships when trying to get it all done, and ends in tears all round,” the Association of Teachers and Lecturers said....

3 Stories