Richard Petty

2 Stories

Nascar Fans Lament Chrysler's Decline

Bankruptcy filing has diehards fearing for the fate of the once-mighty Dodge

(Newser) - Chrysler's woes are making the Nascar faithful wistful for the days when Dodges ruled the track, the Wall Street Journal reports. The bankrupt automaker has promised to continue supporting the sport, but it has already cut funding by almost a third this year and its cars are now usually found...

Bankrupt Sports Museum Holds Mementos Hostage

(Newser) - New York’s Sports Museum of America has filed for bankruptcy, and is holding some priceless memorabilia hostage, the Wall Street Journal reports. Though more established halls of fame saw the move coming and pulled out loaners, the trustee wants legal fees from owners of items still in storage, or...

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