Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan

3 Stories

The Pope Goes on a Historic Journey

Pope Francis arrives in Abu Dhabi

(Newser) - Pope Francis landed Sunday in Abu Dhabi on the first-ever papal trip to the Arabian Peninsula, where he is seeking to turn a page in Christian-Muslim relations while also ministering to a unique, thriving Catholic community, the AP reports. Francis earlier Sunday called for the urgent observation of a limited...

'Torture Sheik' Detained
 'Torture Sheik' Detained 

'Torture Sheik' Detained

(Newser) - An Abu Dhabi prince captured on videotape torturing a grain merchant has been detained by authorities, CNN reports. Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan is under house arrest pending an investigation, officials of the United Arab Emirates have told the US State Department. The videotape shows the prince beating, burning and...

Arab Prince Linked to Taped Beatings of 25 Others

New blow to UAE's relationship with US

(Newser) - The United Arab Emirates prince whose torture video has shaken relations with the US has been accused of 25 other attacks on people that have been videotaped, the Guardian reports. The American who smuggled out the first tape has more than two hours of video footage showing attacks involving Sheikh...

3 Stories