NO H8 Campaign

2 Stories

Priest: Seton Hall Canned Me for Pro-LGBT Post

Rev. Warren Hall is now subject of a petition

(Newser) - A Catholic priest who made a pro-LGBT post on Facebook says he promptly found himself out of a job at Seton Hall University, where he ministers to the Catholic school's sports teams, reports the Washington Post . "I’ve been fired from SHU for posting a pic on FB...

Cindy McCain Joins Meghan in Gay-Marriage Fight

GOP senator's wife joins daughter in anti-Prop 8 photo spread

(Newser) - The fight against California’s gay-marriage ban got a surprise enlistee today, in the person of Cindy McCain—whose husband, Sen. John McCain, opposed same-sex weddings as the Republican presidential nominee in 2008. Few volunteers “have surprised us more,” the NO H8 Campaign says, noting that “aligning...

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