Earl Blumenauer

3 Stories

House Unveils Medical Pot Bill

Legalization bill gets feds out of 'never-never land,' sponsor says

(Newser) - A bipartisan bill to end the federal prohibition of medical marijuana—and close the ever-greater gap between state and federal policy—was unveiled by House lawmakers yesterday, Politico reports. Chief sponsor Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat, described the legislation as a way to clear up the current confusion around federal...

Rep. Calls for Probe of Palin Tour's Park Costs

Federal Park Service shouldn't pay for special treatment, gripes Dem

(Newser) - With budget cuts looming and a huge backlog of maintenance work, the National Park Service shouldn't be spending its money hosting Sarah Palin's self-promoting bus tour, complains a congressman from Oregon. Palin and her One Nation bus tour soak up far more resources at historic sites than the...

'Death Panels' Return: Obama Enacts End-of-Life Planning

Obama to add end-of-life planning to Medicare

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's "death panels" are back. The brouhaha surrounding end-of-life counseling forced Democrats to cut it from health care reform, but now President Obama is quietly adding the same policy to Medicare by rewriting regulations, reports the New York Times . Under the new policy, beginning Jan. 1 the government...

3 Stories