Borders bankrupt

4 Stories

Borders Done In by Its Own Stupidity, Not Internet

Other retailers adapted, just not Borders

(Newser) - Video might've killed the radio star, but Borders Books wasn't done in by the Internet, contrary to the claims of its top brass. A better factor in the liquidation— and loss of 10,700 jobs —would be the host of bad strategies Borders' management enacted, writes Annie...

Buyer-Less Borders Will Liquidate

Move will put almost 11K employees out of work

(Newser) - There will be no storybook ending for Borders. The 40-year old bookseller could start liquidating its 399 remaining stores as early as Friday. The chain, which helped pioneer the big-box bookseller concept, is seeking court approval to liquidate its stores after it failed to receive any bids that would keep...

iPad Kills Jobs: Jesse Jackson Jr.

'Why do you need to go to Borders anymore?' asks congressman

(Newser) - The real culprit behind American unemployment? The iPad, says congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.: It’s “probably responsible for eliminating thousands of American jobs.” Just look at Borders' bankruptcy, he noted on the House floor on Friday: “Why do you need to go to Borders anymore? Why do...

Borders on Brink of Bankruptcy
 Borders on Brink of Bankruptcy 

Borders on Brink of Bankruptcy

Chain expected to slash up to 200 stores

(Newser) - Struggling bookstore chain Borders may file for bankruptcy protection as early as next week, sources tell Bloomberg . The chain is still looking at its options for restructuring ahead of a bankruptcy filing, and is considering closing up to 200 of its 650 stores, the sources say. The chain, which was...

4 Stories
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